As if.

Marcus smacked Eva’s ass, forcing Blaez to abandon his thoughts of previous romps. “You’ve made a fine impression, sweet pea.”

Another minute of standing around gawking at Eva and Marcus might make a few promises. He was bad about sliding in between the sheets and telling the women whatever they wanted to hear. He’d fallen in and out of love or awe a total of forty-nine times, fifty counting Eva, unless Blaez had missed his bragging rights somewhere.

“I want to make a good impression,” she crooned. “It’s important that you fellas remember me.”

For a split second, alarms blared in Blaez’s head. Then, his cock found an abundance of new life. His mouth watered as he eyed those generous tits.

Come to think of it, maybe he’d had too much to drink earlier in the evening. Maybe if he hadn’t been trying to match Kurt shot for shot he wouldn’t have had such clouded judgment. Eva was no girl. This gal was straight up voluptuous and those generous curves belonged to a woman, not some pretty young thing who didn’t know what to do with a man.

She was bad at sucking cock. So what? There were other ways he and Marcus could enjoy her.

Eva kissed Blaez’s upper thighs and planted a kiss on the end of his condom-clad dick. She slowly eased her way up his body and he relaxed as soon as her mouth was several inches away from his dick.

“Somebody needs to teach you how to give a good blowjob,” Blaez said, not minced for words now. If Eva had made up her mind to join the ranks of the broads and old ladies living there at the club, she needed to learn how to please a man and she’d find plenty of willing coaches. And it wouldn’t hurt if she soon realized cloaked dicks weren’t exactly appetizing. Rather than insult her lack of knowledge, Blaez hauled her forward. “Gotta keep those teeth in check.”

“You ain’t lying.” Marcus grabbed her around the waist and pulled her from Blaez’s arms. He pressed his cheek to her belly and nuzzled her breasts. “Ever been with two men before, Eva?” He then stuffed his hand between her legs and rubbed his wrist back and forth, the friction apparently arousing her. Subtle, hypnotic moans left her lips.

“Answer him,” Blaez told her, enjoying the way her breasts lifted slightly with each of her shallow breaths. He leisurely pumped his dick as Marcus and Eva touched and played.

The color washed away from her rosy cheeks and she quickly shook her head. “It’s always been a fantasy.”

“Fantasies are nice.” Blaez had a few of those, too. Lately he’d had a recurring daydream, one which included a curvy woman with dark hair, pale skin and high cheeks. Blaez and Marcus had recently celebrated their thirtieth birthdays, too, but they’d only discussed their future mating in passing.

If pack legends were true, Kurt wasn’t the only Bold and Free rider set to succumb to a mating call. He and Marcus were mere days away from meeting their permanent companions.

Marcus fondled Eva’s fullness and buried his mouth in her cleavage. Soon, he left light pecks over one high mound and then the other.

Eva arched in his arms. She embraced his broad shoulders and whimpered when he reared back. Her hard nipple extended as he gently pulled the tight bead with his teeth.

“God yeah.” Blaez’s mouth watered. “That’s beautiful.” They had a willing woman who wanted a little experience. He and Marcus could give her some of the knowledge she desired, show her a nice time, and send her on her merry little way.

Too bad Kurt was missing out. Blaez liked sharing women but he especially enjoyed himself in foursomes. He loved watching and the hottest women were the ones who could take cock from front to back while giving a good blowjob at the same time.

He cringed at the thought, remembering Eva was orally challenged. Fucking two guys would be about all she could handle.

“Come on over here, babe,” Blaez said, throwing a few pillows behind his head.

“How do you want to do this?”

“We’ll show you,” Marcus whispered. “We’ll take care of you.”

“But I need to know positions.”

Blaez sniffed and warded off a smile when he caught Marcus smirking behind her back. “You let us worry about that. Okay?”


Marcus popped her on the ass with a few resounding smacks.


“It’s not supposed to tickle,” Marcus said, toying with his cock as he slipped on a condom.

She frowned and rubbed her bottom. “Is it supposed to burn?”

“Damn right,” Marcus grated out, grabbing her hips and rubbing his shaft against her. His large arms wrapped around her and he supported her breasts with his forearms. “Now then, sweetheart. Let’s fuck around.”