Chapter Twelve

Loving men was like selecting flowers. If she’d chosen the wrong one or limited herself to only one, she would’ve been disappointed. Flowers wilted. Some of them died. She’d loved and lost a man she’d meant to spend her life loving, but he’d wilted away to nothing, content with his need for revenge but not at all interested in building a beautiful life together.

She’d picked out one flower and watched in utter dismay as it had wilted away. Now she had a vase filled with love, a life destined for happiness and beauty.

Her men would probably throttle her if they even suspected she’d compared them to flowers, but the fact of the matter was, she’d always craved this kind of attention. Hands moving over her at a rapid pace, dicks pressed against her belly and thighs.

Her eyelashes fluttered as they spread her and took turns probing her with their tongues. In the fantasies of all fantasies, this is precisely what she’d planned when she’d hopped up on the dresser and spread herself for them to watch and crave, need and want.

Kurt gripped her knees and speared her pussy with his tongue, driving inside her with quick and short motions. He licked slow and easy, thrust quick and deep. Then, he moved aside for Marcus and Marcus took a slow man’s approach.

Her hand fell to his head and she played with his hair as he sipped at her pussy lips, thrust inside her with short jabbing motions, and then rolled his tongue over her clit again and again. She was a minute or less away from an orgasm but he took her to the brink and then left her there, moving aside for Blaez.

To her surprise, Blaez took his time situating himself between her legs. He spread her wide open and peered down at her as if he were memorizing how she looked, how her pussy lips flared underneath a blown breath.

He lowered his face to her cunt and immediately snaked his tongue inside her walls, prodding her with his lips before he bathed her pussy with quick, fluttering motions. Her cunt pulsed in response and she flattened her hands next to her hips, raising her bottom off the dresser and fighting the orgasm coming for her.

“Don’t resist me,” he said, jamming his tongue between her intimate lips and screwing her like he’d once fucked her.

“I’ll come,” she whispered in an exasperated voice.

“So come,” he told her, pausing for a second before he pushed his face against her pussy and ate her out like a man who had sat down to a full meal.

Her body rocked against him and her head tapped against the mirror. She was losing her control and he apparently loved it. He brushed his cheeks against her inner thighs and went at her with a quicker delivery, thrusting and screwing, locking his lips over her clit and humming out a little vibration that sent her into a blinding orgasm.

“Oh God!” Her body quivered. Her cunt vibrated. Her arms and legs trembled. “Don’t stop!”

She lifted her hips and rammed her pussy against his face, appreciating him all the more when he gripped her ass and dragged her forward, fucking her with a restless tongue, a tongue that gave her one orgasm and then another.

“Ah fuck,” she whimpered, coming down from the most enjoyable climax ever.

Dragging her away from the furniture, Kurt carried her to bed. Her body tremors rocked through her system and she caught her breath long enough to thank Blaez.

He returned her sentiment with a sexy wink. “I’m glad I could satisfy you.”

“Everything about you satisfies me,” she said, hoping she didn’t hurt the other two when she said as much. These men were her mates. She loved them. She’d loved them right from the start.

“I think we have some catching up to do,” Kurt said, positioning her across his lap and caressing her hips.

“Agreed,” Marcus added, acting a little pouty.

“Where do you want us to start?” Kurt asked, twirling his finger around her asshole. “Who do you want here?” He pushed his thumb against her bottom while sliding his free hand underneath her. Three fingers twirled right inside her cunt. “How about here?” He thrust his fingers inside her pussy while pushing his thumb against her pulsing hole.

Marcus stood in front of her. He dragged his cockhead across her lips. “And how about right here?”

She sucked the tip and tried to entice Marcus more by pulling him between her cheeks. He stroked her tongue and knocked against her tonsils, but eventually withdrew, apparently ready to finish their claiming.

“Not today anyway,” Blaez told her, pulling her away from Kurt’s lap.

Moments later, she was on her back with Kurt behind her. One arm supported her breast. The other hand rested at her hip.

His cock wasn’t necessarily thick, but the length concerned her. How would she take his size through the back door when she hadn’t exactly practiced a lot of anal sex in the past?

She tensed when he lubed his fingers and pressed inside her channel. “Relax for me.”

“I am.” She whimpered, trying to push aside the nervous sensations darting up and down her spine.

Marcus kissed her lips as Kurt shifted behind her. Blaez pampered her clit with his fingers and lips before straddling her leg.