Blaez stopped short of following them and turned. “Kurt, we waited this thing out. Do you think it’s safe here now? Is he gone? Will he or she return?”

“I do not know.”

“How did we fuck up and let someone like Eva get close to us?”

“The extortionists are masters of deception.”

“So we’ll always be looking over our shoulder?”

“Probably,” Kurt said honestly. He’d been thinking about that a lot lately. After they’d lost one of their own, he wasn’t sure the MC could make a difference in this building universal battle against the extortionists. The pack was no match for the ghostlike creatures stealing souls and bodies at a more rapid rate.

Blaez frowned. “You don’t think they can be stopped.”

“The night Leon—died—the extortionist said there were ‘many extensions of me’ and I’ve had time to consider that warning because that’s what it was—a caution.”

“Or maybe a threat?”

Kurt swallowed and processed. “If the extortionist wants to infiltrate the club or any group or organization, it can be done. Anyone can pull a mask and pretend to be someone they aren’t.”

“Only it is much easier for the extortionists to go unnoticed because they have supernatural powers?”

“Exactly,” Kurt agreed, cocking his head and listening to the laughter filling the house. “For now though. I’m not going to focus on the extortionists. We had a close call, one that could’ve taken away our goals and dreams.” He pointed at the ceiling. “And our future with Suzette.”

“We’ve got a bright one with our lady,” Blaez said.

“It’s looking pretty bright all right,” Kurt said, cutting off a bite of pancakes and shoving the delicious breakfast food in between his lips. He hurriedly washed down the food with a drink of coffee. “I was afraid of that.”

“What?” Blaez looked perplexed.

“It doesn’t taste as good as a hot and spicy woman.”

Blaez laughed. “Lucky for us, I know where we can find one.”

* * * *

Suzette stepped out of the shower and into her bedroom, where she discovered three hard and ready males lounging on her bed as if they’d been waiting for several hours. They looked positively bored and she could only imagine how they’d grumbled when she’d locked them out of the bathroom and told them to go back downstairs and eat their breakfast.

“Did you enjoy your pancakes?”

She was met by a mix of responses.


ood,” she said, taunting them. “Don’t get too used to it, boys. When the kids come home, there will be more cold cereal mornings than bountiful breakfasts.”

“Speaking of bountiful,” Marcus said, staring right at her breasts.

“Ah, so now you want to see them?” she teased.

“We haven’t been the one tuckered out at night,” Kurt reminded her.

“I haven’t been the one volunteering down at the local police station,” she reminded them, not at all supportive of their need to hang out where the extortionist had destroyed an entire building.

“Come here, you,” Kurt said, crooking his finger back and forth.

“If memory serves me correctly, I owe you boys a show.” She dropped her towel and ate up the sight of dropped jaws, lust-filled stares, and stretching cocks underneath the white sheet.

“Somebody may want to tell our mate that ‘boys’ hardly describe the three of us.”