Sting was right. There was always one in every crowd. Generally, Sting was the one, but since some little hot number had been yanking his chain, he’d chilled out.

“I think you’re right. We’re dealing with a female. A male wouldn’t have left the police station as quickly as the ext

ortionist departed when it realized Blaez and Suzette were—”

“Exactly,” Randon interrupted her. “The jealousy and rage were enough to drive it crazy.”

“Or maybe her feelings were hurt,” Blaine suggested.

Root and Sting’s bikes roared away in the distance and Marcus grabbed the field glasses. “Who’s down there with them? I don’t see anyone.”

“They’re hiding,” Randon told him, pacing.

“Think about this, Randon,” Marcus said, tucking the binoculars back in the case and cocking his head. “On second thought, just listen.” He glanced at Blaine and then refocused on Randon. “We were out there fighting off this thing while you and Pageant were hiding and Blaez and Suzette were—”

“I think we know what Blaez and Suzette were doing,” Bart bit out, entering the clearing after a short stint in town. He’d gone to grab a bite to eat but Randon immediately suspected he had missed the meal and opted to spy on his former wife instead.

“Anyway,” Marcus drawled. “The fact is, this thing fought like a male.”

Pageant rolled her eyes. “But it makes more sense that we’re dealing with a female. When Blaez and Suzette were in the closet, what happened?”

Marcus nodded at Blaine. “Go on. You tell ‘em. You were the one who was closest to them.”

“It’s hard to explain. The images we all saw became more profound and definitely distinct. The facial features were sculpted with high cheeks and full lips.”

“Is that all?”

“Rage,” Bart spoke up again. “The damn thing was furious.”

“I think a female would be far more dangerous. Not only would she be jealous, but she might be more cunning. The males obviously approach with vengeance driving them. They let their fury guide them. With the females, it might be different. Their jealousy could dictate how they handle certain situations.”

“How would she be jealous?” Marcus asked, maybe coming around to accepting their current theory.

“These things are obviously envious of humans anyway, but I think if she watched a woman use her…physical attributes…to bring someone else pleasure, she might become more agitated and far more volatile.”

“She’s not after Suzette,” Blaine said suddenly.

“He’s right!” Randon gripped Pageant’s hand.

“Who’s she after then?”

“Kurt!” Randon helped Pageant on the bike. His hand went in the air and he pounded his fist forward, imitating three knocks. “Let’s ride! Keep a loose formation until we hit the strip along the beach!”

“I thought you wanted them to stick close together when there are more than ten in a group,” Pageant said.

“When you’re in the mix, we ride with your protection in mind,” Marcus told her, grinning as he secured his helmet on his head. He directed his attention to Randon. “How’d you figure this out?”

Randon glanced over his shoulder. “Something McKinney said.”

“We’re hitting the crowded strip based on what McKinney told you? Are you outta your mind?”

“You and I aren’t hitting the strip,” Randon said, nodding at the others. “They are. We’re going to help Kurt.”

“You’re the boss,” Marcus said, swinging his leg over his bike.

“Randon, Blaine mentioned Suzette’s most appealing attribute. Are you sure this extortionist isn’t after Suzette?”

Marcus frowned. “Makes more sense, Randon. These things have always pursued humans. They don’t initially target us unless we’re in their way. Plus the extortionist had its chance when Blaez and Suzette were hiding in the closet. If Kurt had been the object of its obsession, we would’ve seen a different outcome.”