“And even that isn’t guaranteed,” Randon said, glancing at Pageant and then refocusing on Suzette. “You have three mates and you must complete the mating in order to be linked or tied to them forever and yes, that includes accepting the werewolf’s bite.”

“Are we talking a nibble here or a real blood gusher?”

“I’ll nibble,” Kurt said, gnashing his teeth and then shooting her a wink.


you?” She directed the question to Marcus.

Marcus crossed his arms. “We’ll discuss it in private.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. They probably wouldn’t discuss much more than Marcus telling her to drop her pants and bend the hell over.

“So what happened while we were in there?” Blaez directed the question to the men but sidled up to Suzette and draped his arm around her shoulders. “Do you think Suzette’s plan worked?”

“Suzette’s?” Kurt held his heart. “Really? All that racket was your idea?’

“Yes.” She smiled sweetly. “Did it work?”

“Yes,” Kurt said, stalking her. “Now let’s you and I go somewhere private and see if we can come up with some creative ideas for the two of us.”

Chapter Eight

As soon as Suzette unlocked the door of her two-story colonial home, Kurt felt a sense of belonging. He didn’t know if it was the assortment of cake candles cluttering the credenza or the variety of toys scattered across the foyer and up the stairs, but it felt like home. It felt familiar and comfortable.

Kurt eyed the family pictures lining the hallways as he followed her to the kitchen. Yes, this was where he belonged—here with this woman. He wanted a glimpse of this kind of life, this kind of future. He longed for something real, something meaningful—family and friends, real love. That’s what mattered.

“Are you hungry?”

He eyed her shapely bottom and made no attempt to hide the fact when she turned around and caught him. “Starved.”

She moistened her lips and planted a quick kiss on his. Before she could get away, he gave her a sharp pull and she landed against his chest.

“I think you can do a little better than that.”

She stood on her tiptoes and brushed his mouth with gentle kisses. A combination of love and lust, want and need, struck at the base of his cock and made him uncomfortable as hell. He bracketed his arm around her waist and pulled her against him, loving the full swell of her breasts against his hard chest.

He bunched her hair in his hands and kissed her completely, driving inside her mouth with a forceful tongue. “God you make me crazy.”

She backed away then and sashayed ahead of him. He watched the gentle sway of her hips until she disappeared and then turned to the photographs, noticing immediately there were…Gulp.

Kurt came to a dead stop.

Apparently sensing something wasn’t quite right, Suzette peered around the kitchen wall. “What is it?”

He gaped at the stair-stepped children. All of them must’ve been under the age of nine. “Where did all these rugrats come from?”

She struck a pose by sliding her arm up the doorframe. “You’re looking at the rug.”

* * * *

Kurt had been positively tongue-tied when he’d discovered she had four children, but when she entered the dining room to announce she’d put a casserole in the oven, he wasn’t just tongue-tied. He was awestruck.

She’d showered soon after they’d arrived there and before she’d whipped up dinner. As he’d stood guard, looking out over the lawn, he’d resented the fact that he couldn’t go upstairs with his mate. He’d been too paranoid, too concerned for her safety.

If the extortionist came to her home, he wanted to see him coming.

Just like he saw Suzette coming for him then.