Her hand fell to her side and she felt the wool underneath her fingertips. “What is this?”

“An old army blanket,” he replied. “Leave it there. He can’t get in as long as there isn’t space underneath the door.”

“Wait a minute. He can slip underneath the door?”

“Yes,” Blaez replied, his voice cold and hard.

Had she done something to piss him off? Was he disappointed in her because she’d lost consciousness?

“I don’t remember much of what happened,” she said. “Why did I pass out?”

“Maybe from shock.” His arms tightened around her waist and she could’ve sworn he was scenting her as his nose ran the length of her jaw.

“What about the others?”

“Randon and Pageant made it to another closet. I’m not sure about Blaine, Bart, Kurt, and Marcus.”

“Will they make it?”

“Kurt and Marcus will.” His grip relaxed. “We have to believe they all will.”

“At least you’re honest.”

His face was against hers then and he tilted her chin to his. She longed to see him them, wishing she could watch him as he lowered his head and kissed her for the first time. And the kiss was definitely coming. She sensed him inching closer, hovering over her mouth.

“I’ll always be honest with you.”

“Because I’m your mate?”


“I belong to him, too.”

“Yes, you belong to Marcus and Kurt as well.”

She smoothed her palms across his broad chest and strong shoulders. “That’s not what I meant.”

“I know what you meant but…” He cupped her ear with his hands and whispered, “Don’t breathe another word of what you’re thinking about him while he’s right outside the door.”

The horrifying memory of the extortionist screaming Mine! Mine! Mine! drove her to push against Blaez, seeking his comfort and protection.

She shuddered at the memories of what they’d survived, but with Blaez’s warning, she gained knowledge and an empowering idea. “I know how to drive him away.”

“He’ll only leave when he has you or when the others figure out how to steer him somewhere else.”

“No,” she whispered, certain there were other ways to force a supernatural freak to back the hell off.

She and Blaez could mate. It wasn’t the ideal situation or the most romantic of settings, but it was certainly plausible. If that thing outside the door believed she belonged to him, wouldn’t he resent her if she fucked someone else? Wouldn’t he leave them alone? If not for forever, maybe at least for the rest of the night?

“Suzette, get some rest. Save your strength.”

She turned around then and took a deep breath, questioning her courage as much as her intentions. “Are you sure I belong to you?”

He placed his large hands on either side of her face and said, “It’s confusing, but yes. You’re mine. You belong to Marcus and Kurt, too, but you are absolutely mine, Suzette.”

“Do you feel anything for me?” She shifted her weight and straddled his hips, carefully lowering herself to his lap and deliberately trying to position her denim-clad crotch over his groin.

He released a guttural moan. “You mean, do I want you?”