“You’re not going to die, baby. I’ve got ‘cha. And I won’t let anything happen to you.”

A hazy wall of blue dropped in front of them. It fell from the ceiling like cascading waters with waves tumbling over waves as the mirage came forward, embracing them, smothering them.

Suffocating sensations threatened his breathing capabilities as he covered her face. “Don’t look.”

“Mine. Mine. Mine.” A distorted face appeared in the center of the illusion. The nondescript image held nothing but empty characteristics, which told Blaez a lot. The extortionist had been taking specific qualities from his victims. He hadn’t chosen a face or skin tone or descriptive features.

In the past, they’d dealt with extortionists that had murdered for personality traits and physical or mental abilities. They’d been known to kill athletes at the height of their careers. They’d taken those who were smart, considered brilliant and gifted.

The extortionists collected these traits from their victims and then they’d come for their mate, for the human body they wanted as their own. Then they could walk around in the free world as a human rather than float around in their nothingness, attacking the innocent with their wicked ways and their evil intentions.

“I’m scared.” Her body shook against his as he cradled her. He sped through the room, trying to find a way out.

The extortionist had “touched down” like a tornado, capturing them behind closed doors. His pressurized existence prevented them from breaking out a window or opening an exit. They were indeed trapped.

The room spun around and around. Blaez reminded himself to press forward and stand firm.

If he lost consciousness, he wouldn’t be able to save Suzette. He wouldn’t know his mate or the power of her love. He wouldn’t taste her kiss or know the gentleness of her good loving.

If the extortionist won here, his end would be as tragic as any other. He would close his eyes and meet his death with devastating knowledge.

He hadn’t been able to save the woman he was destined to love.

Chapter Six

Suzette must have lost consciousness. When she came to, she couldn’t see anything in front of her.

She shivered against the arms holding her and then stilled. Disoriented, she took a few deep breaths, afraid to ask questions, too terrified to even breathe his name.

Her heart raced as she frantically searched her mind, trying to remember what had happened. “Blaez?”

“It’s me,” he said, his breath heavy against her ear.

“What happened?”

“It’s the extortionist.”

“You don’t say.”

He chuckled, but there wasn’t real laughter evident in his voice. “He’s still here.”

“Can he get to us?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Where are we?”

“In a closet.”

“Did I pass out?”


She extended her legs and they hit the wall across from her. It was then when she realized her butt was snuggled up against his groin and his muscular legs were bent. Seated between his parted thighs, Suzette glanced around. She couldn’t see a damn thing.

“How do you know he won’t find us?”

“He knows where we are,” Blaez said. “He just can’t get to us.”