The thought of her hands on him, touching and caressing him—fondling him even—made his heart swell with a new emotion he’d never felt before. Could he possibly love this woman? Had he already fallen for her? He’d heard other wolf shifters describe their mate lust and some of them had admitted to loving their women from the moment they set eyes on their chosen one.

He took a deep breath and lowered his head. “Don’t say a word until I’m done.”

“What are you doing?” Her voice pitched an octave higher.

He cupped her cheek and whispered across her lips. “I’m fucking you. Once we get the mating out of the way, maybe then I can take you out on a ‘date’ as you suggested, but for now, I’m doing what needs to be done to ensure your safety.

“I’m claiming you as my mate.”

* * * *

“Sit down, Bart,” Kurt grated out, not at all happy..Marcus had made a first move.

“I’m checking on my wife.”

“Oh for God’s sake,” Blaine said. “You’ve been hollering about your wife since these boys rode into town, but how long has it been since you’ve even talked to Suzette?”

Bart appeared dumbstruck. “I talk to her whenever I call about the kids.”

“And from what I hear, they haven’t talked to their father in a while,” Blaine said.

“I’ll follow Suzette home and see them tonight.”

“The only reason you’d follow Suzette home is to ensure I’m not in her bed,” Kurt said, wondering how Randon and Pageant put up with this idiot.

“Mr. Dandridge, I’m not the least bit worried about you being in my woman’s bed.”

“Your woman?” Blaez’s voice was loud enough to shatter glass.

“She’s the mother of my children,” Bart said, his voice soft. After a distant moment, he added, “And I’ll follow her home and check on the kids tonight. I need to be with my family.”

“That’s my point. You’re a little late for that,” Blaine said.

Bart snarled. “I can see my kids anytime I want.”

“Not right now you can’t,” Randon said, standing next to Blaine. “Suzette sent them out of here yesterday.”

“Bullshit! Why would she do that when she knew I was on my way?”

Kurt wanted to celebrate right then and there. He’d been trying to figure out the logistics of mating with Suzette with a houseful of kids under foot. He hadn’t quite come up with an ideal plan. Now, he wouldn’t need one.

“They’re staying with your ex mother-in-law,” Blaine informed him.

“That’s good,” Bart said quietly. “I’m okay with that.”

Blaine snorted. “We all feel a hundred percent better to know you’re okay with that, Bart. We’ve been fretting over how we might break the news to you.”

Bart and Blaine had worked together for a few years. At one time they were good friends, but it was obvious to Kurt that Blaine had lost respect for his former subordinate. Perhaps he had indeed abused Suzette or maybe Blaine didn’t have any tolerance for a man who suddenly turned his back on his family. Sure, Bart had a lot of problems, but who didn’t have troubles? A real man didn’t walk away from his small children. This prick didn’t even know where his kids were staying until an outsider told him!

Kurt and Blaez locked in a knowing exchange. Kurt dragged his hand down his face. Shit. Sure enough, Blaez was one of Suzette’s mates. He seemed equally agitated by Bart’s very presence there.

“Why don’t you call your children?” Pageant suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” Bart said quietly, stalking by Kurt.

Blaez immediately wagged his finger in front of him. “Not this way.” He tilted his head at the far end of the room. “Over there.”

“Just who do you think you are?”