“There’s no ‘if’ to it, man. I’m pretty sure about this.”

Randon chuckled. “Yeah? Me too. The minute you saw her, your interest showed all over your face.”

“Continue.” Kurt was agitated and while Randon would probably infuriate him all the more, he still needed his advice.

“If she belongs to them and she belongs to you, there’s nothing you can do to change that. Fated mates are destined to spend their lives together and the only thing I can tell you is suck it up.”

“Apparently you’ve never tried to share anything with those two.”

“I have all I need at home.”

“Well aren’t you the lucky wolf?”

“Yes, I am.” Randon howled out his laughter. “And by the looks of things, you’ll soon count yourself as pretty darn fortunate too.”

Chapter Four

“Anyone feeling the devil’s breath on the back of their necks yet?” Blaine closed the file on the table and clasped his hands over it.

“Not yet,” Kurt mumbled, sulking like a spoilt child.

Marcus should’ve taunted Kurt but given the fact he was fighting a hangover, he opted for Plan B. He turned to Suzette and casually draped his arm over the back of her chair, aware of the others pounding Blaine with questions.

“So tell me about the school,” Marcus said, never acknowledging Blaez when he left the table. Like most trackers, Blaez couldn’t be confined for long periods of time.

“What would you like to know?” Suzette asked, propping an elbow on the table and turning sideways in her seat.

“Someone said you used to work there before the extortionist started staking out the place.”

“I still work there,” she said, seemingly pleased to tell him as much. “I was forced away from my home once, Marcus. The extortionist took my family, my husband, my life. I relocated because the memories in Pleasant haunted me. Now, look at what’s happened? This thing is back. He’s returned with a vengeance, terrorizing young children on playgrounds and taking their parents from them. Most educators have left town. There are only six qualified teachers left at the elementary school and even less at the middle and high schools.”

“You’re quitting.” It wasn’t even up for debate.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me,” he said, gripping her wrist and staring into her eyes. “I don’t want you to work there.”

Clearly alarmed, she jerked her arm free. “That’s not your decision.”

“You’re right,” he said, rebounding. All eyes were on him then, thanks to the scene Suzette caused. He thinned his lips and tried to think of the best way to persuade her. She didn’t need to teach. If she wanted to teach, then she could homeschool her own children.

Qualified or not, she would not return to her job anytime soon. He’d restrain her if he had to and there were a few ways that came to mind. A smile tugged at his lips. There was more than one way to convince a woman to see things his way.

“I need to go,” she said, standoffish. She pushed away from the table. “I don’t know what you and your Bold and Free brothers think I am, but I need to be clear on something. I’m not on the market.”

“I’m not following you.”

“I’m not available, Marcus.”

“You’re not.” It wasn’t a question.

From the moment he’d met her, he’d known she belonged to him. She also belonged to Blaez and apparently Kurt had some sort of connection to her as well. He smiled and patted her hand. “See there? We agree on something.”

“I’m a mother with school-aged children. They’re my whole world. My life revolves around them. I don’t have time for dating.” Apparently she understood what he was implying.

Randon and Pageant glanced up from the documents they were reading. Bart slapped a file against his chest and grinned. “I could’ve told you she was frigid.”

Marcus ignored Bart and tossed aside the folder. He hadn’t asked ex-husbands or boyfriends for permission to bang their broads when he was a single man playing the field. He damn sure wouldn’t ask now.