Randon shrugged. “Nothin’, brother. Just observing. That’s all.”

“Well observe somebody else,” Kurt snapped, irritated because Randon had used a few seconds of their precious time to draw his focus away from Suzette.

Blaez clucked and paced. When Blaez took a stroll, it made everyone nervous. His senses were keen and the shifter had a sixth sense like nobody’s business. He could accurately predict when a war was coming and to date, he’d only been wrong once in terms of sensing an extortionist.

“So what’s happened here so far?” Kurt tucked his helmet under his arm and narrowed his gaze on the woman next to him. She nervously secured a lock of hair behind her ear and grinned up at him like a blushing tease.

Kurt grunted and caught a scowl from Blaez and Marcus. They could snarl and growl for all he cared.

He rolled his tongue over his bottom lip and just gawked like hell. Suzette’s lips turned up in an adorable smile and cute little dimples settled in her upper cheeks.

God yeah. She’s a fox. He’d have her bent over his bike and screaming out his name in about two and a half minutes.

Or less.

Fuck! He had to stop this!

“I take it you didn’t check the news before you came down here?” Blaine asked.

Bart huffed and puffed like an angry bear. “Bikers don’t get the news because they’re generally the cause of most of it.”

“Is that so?” Kurt couldn’t help but retaliate. “Seems we’re not the only guys the media loves.”

“Yeah, but when I’m covered it isn’t for crimes of passion or illegal activity,” Bart said, avoiding eye contact.

“You don’t have to convince me. If you were pegged for crimes of passion, the whole town would come out in support of you.” He winked at Suzette. That was for you, doll.

“So what can you tell us, Blaine?” Randon cut through the tension by addressing the former sheriff.

Blaine rambled off what he knew. Locals had disappeared. A strange phenomenon had taken over the town. People were scared. A few unexplainable deaths led to circulated suspicions, rumors the gossipmongers quickly spread throughout the coastal Carolina town.

Aware of the pretty woman closing the distance between them, Kurt stole another quick glance. Trying to cover it up, he fumbled his helmet and easily picked up on Bart’s disapproval. Kurt didn’t feel too sorry for the dude. He should’ve been smart enough to keep dibs on his woman.

He’d heard the stories. Bart and Suzette weren’t just divorced. They were practically enemies.

Kurt didn’t care what others thought. He kept a keen eye on the little lady and let his crazy fantasies run wild. If someone noticed, so be it.

Suzette had the ability to turn an average man, an ordinary biker, into an outright obsessive lover. He was turned on by her smile, her obvious interest in him, and a list of other admirable qualities. He’d just go with it. She didn’t seem to mind a good ogling.

Poor ole Bart probably wouldn’t mind.

“From what I hear, you’ve become consumed by the idea of catching the extortionist.” So preoccupied in fact, his wife had left him after he became too distant and verbally abusive.

Kurt studied his pals then. Bart wasn’t the only peculiar one in the bunch. Blaez and Marcus looked about as agitated as Kurt felt. They were acting plain weird, even for them.

The bulge in Kurt’s denim and the stretch of his cock made him uncomfortable. He wasn’t there in Satisfying to find his own forms of pleasure. Still, he couldn’t dismiss the red lace underneath Suzette’s gaping black shirt. He also caught a glimpse of Suzette’s stomach pushing up against the underside of her bra.

For some unfounded reason, he thought she looked fine as hell. He patted his beer gut. He could stand to lose a few pounds, too, and he could think of a few recreational activities to work them off with the beauty in front of him.

Oh yeah. He was sunk.

“Got something on your mind, Kurt?” Blaez arched his brows. “You look a little under the weather.”

“I was about to say the same thing about you,” Kurt snapped.

“We’re fine,” Marcus assured him, leveling a stare on Suzette.

“Blaez is right. You don’t look well, buddy,” Randon said. “Guys said you were lucky you didn’t get alcohol poisoning.”