Turbulent winds kicked up in the transparent container. Debris she hadn’t noticed before whipped around her head. The living wolf was tossed outside the clear tube. Instead of looking on to ensure he was safe, she dove forward and grabbed hold of the black and white wolf, the one she’d determined she could lift into her arms without any problem. Swinging his body around just in time, the dead wolf caught the long, slender bolt of blue lightning.

Dropping the wolf to the ground, she backed away to the vestibule wall, trembling with the impact as an electric current zipped across the ground and the wolf’s form shook with unfathomable spasms. The ground seemed to vibrate with the hard jolts the wolf’s body experienced.

A throaty, but quite sick whimper escaped the wolf’s mouth before the extortionist’s wicked voice spieled from the animal’s lips. “How long do you think it will be before they send someone else, Pageant?” He grunted as a dreadfully long breath slowly seeped free. “They will send someone else. They always do.”

As if the strange phenomenon left their town as quickly as it had arrived, the large bubble surrounding her disintegrated into thin air. The curse was lifted. Evil had run its course.

And as Pageant ran into Randon’s arms, she couldn’t help but feel rejuvenated, even happy. Maybe only the brave and strong could survive the extortionist’s wrath, but in the end only Randon’s love had saved her.


Four days later

“So you’re really gonna stay here?” Kurt stared at them in disbelief. “Is this because of that Bart fellow?”

“Bart’s doing great,” she said. “I heard from his wife a little while ago and he’s out of ICU and in his own private room.”

“Did you hear that, man? Her buddy is out of the woods now. You’re good to go.” Kurt looked perplexed. “Isn’t there some sort of packmaster’s law somewhere that says we always stay together?”

“Come on, brother,” Randon said, embracing his old friend. “You can come and visit anytime. In fact, if you want to stay, you’re welcome. Pageant has a guest bedroom.”

“By the time I return here that bedroom will have been properly christened.” Kurt slipped one leg over his bike and stuck the key in the ignition. “Last chance. If you two are riding with me, we’ve gotta roll.”

Pageant slipped her arms around Randon’s waist. “We’re good here, Kurt.”

“I’m sure that ain’t no lie.” He ran his gaze up and down her body just to devil Randon. When Randon’s body stiffened, he laughed. “Chill, brother. She only has eyes for you.”

“Good thing,” he said, stroking her behind and loving the heated glances she shot his way. “I’d hate to have to paddle her ass as soon as you leave.”

Kurt laughed. “Since I interrupted you the last time her ass was in front of you, there’s no reason for me to question what might go down as soon as I’m out of your way.”

“No question at all,” Randon agreed, reaching for his buddy’s gloved hand and giving him a half hug once more. “Take care, Kurt.”

“Always.” He winked at Pageant. “Do me a favor and keep this one out of trouble.”

Pageant leaned over and kissed his cheek. Randon gritted his teeth, reminding that raging wolf that Kurt was a friend, a close friend.

They said their final good-byes and watched as Kurt rolled out of sight. When his loud bike disappeared over the hill, Pageant asked, “Where’s he headed to?”

“Who knows.” Randon took a deep breath and for the first time since he’d met Kurt, he could honestly say he didn’t know where life would take his good friend. He’d always been his wingman, the guy who was always at his side no matter the situation. Somewhat saddened to see Kurt go, he squeezed Pageant a little tighter. “What do you say we go get a bite to eat at the diner?”

Pageant rubbed her moistened lips together. “Honestly? I had something else in mind.”

“Did you now?”

“Yes, Sir, I sure did.” She ground her denim-clad pussy against him and looped her arms around his neck, drawing him into a heated kiss. “I don’t think you’ll mind if we skip dinner and head straight for dessert.”

Her phone buzzed in her pocket about the time they headed for the house. She withdrew her cell phone and he caught a glimpse of the caller ID. Blaine.

He stopped dead in his tracks. “What does he want?”

“Kurt had asked him to keep in touch with the local Bold and Free chapter. They’re still looking for that biker who escaped when your friends were killed.”

“Any news yet?”

“Not yet.” She held up her phone. “He’d text if he had substantial information.”

“Why’s he calling?” Obsessive. That’s what he was. Just one obsessed bastard. “Doesn’t he know you’re with me now?”