“I’m going to take you there, Pageant,” he whispered, fingering her pussy and dragging that slick heat around the puckered rim. “I’ll ease my cock into your ass and just fuck the hell out of you.”


“Yes, Pageant.”

“We can’t.”

“Tell me why.” He dragged her body closer to his straining cock. “Give me one good reason.”

He toyed with his erection, getting himself all worked up for insertion, for that first gentle impalement. He was vaguely aware of her still body, of how she’d stopped grinding against him. More importantly, she’d stopped saying no.

Pulling his cock down the seam of her ass, he whispered, “That’s what I thought. There’s nothing to stop us. Not one damn thing.” He grabbed hold of her thighs and spread them. Well prepared for a heavenly entry, he went rigid when a door slammed in the distance.

“I can give you several.” Kurt’s voice filled the room. “For starters, that’s my jacket your old lady is wearing and while I’m all for wearing her scent, I’m not real excited to sport around yours.”

Randon groaned and collapsed to the floor. Even though he felt certain Kurt had already enjoyed an eyeful, he yanked Pageant aside and threw a few jackets over her. Glaring at the men with their noses pressed to the nearby dining room window, he snarled. “This is unbelievable.”

“You’re telling me. Never mind the fact that we need to get out of here and time is of the essence.” Kurt shook his head. “I can’t believe you were planning on playing in the backfield while your woman is draped in my damn jacket. I don’t know if I should be offended or take that as a compliment.”

Pageant shot him a smile. “Since you interrupted us, I guess we’ll never know.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean exactly?” Was she coming on to Kurt?

Surely not.

“Chill out, brother.” Kurt grinned at Pageant. “I know what you meant, Detective Keen.” He sniffed and made an obvious effort to ward off a wider smile. “Depends on how messy things got, huh?”

Pageant pushed aside the jackets covering her and as if a little imp living inside her told her it was okay to strut her stuff, she stood up and stripped off Kurt’s jacket. Standing in her living room stark naked, she said, “No, Kurt, that’s not at all what I meant.”

“It’s not,” he mumbled, apparently unable to look at her eyes then.

“You are so spanked,” Randon said, realizing his oath would be taken on the promise of a reward rather than punishment.

Pageant sashayed to her bedroom, struck a deliberate pose, and slid her hand up the doorjamb. “Tell you what boys. You rub those jackets together and make sure my scent is on every last one. I’m gonna put on some clothes and pack my bag. Then, I’ll say good-bye to this life, this town I love. And I pray that the two of you know what you’re asking your fellow MC brothers to do.”

“Change of heart?” Kurt asked, still staring at her tits.

Randon was a second or two away from decking him, just punching his damn lights out. Then again, he sort of needed Kurt.

“I’m not changing my mind,” she said, finally covering her breasts with her arms. “But unless the entire MC has a death wish, you may want to reconsider. Lives will be lost out there tonight. There’s no way to avoid it. If anything, you’re about to piss off a killer, a man we can’t name, a murderer we can’t see. His wrath could be worse than anything else we’ve witnessed so far here in Pleasant.”

“We’re prepared for that,” Randon said, finally slapping Kurt across the chest and gaining his attention.


“Look at me, brother,” Randon said. “Not the lady.”

Kurt smirked. “Obsessed much?”

“Damn right I am.” He pointed at Pageant. “And you…go get your clothes on. We ride in fifteen.”

Chapter Nineteen

Pageant met them in front of her cottage a few minutes later. She immediately noticed the bikes parked under her carport and down her driveway. She heard several in the distance, too.

“Some of the guys have already left?”

“Yes,” Randon said, handing her a helmet.