“I’ve heard of fucking the life out of someone, but never the other way around.”

“Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again,” he said, caressing her shoulders. “You gave me quite a scare.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” She rested her face against his chest. As if the seriousness of their earlier situation struck her at once, she lifted her head and asked, “Was anyone hurt back there?”

“I don’t know,” he replied honestly. “My only concern was getting you out safely.”

“But what about Sheriff McKinney?”

Randon’s body stiffened as he remembered the sheriff’s earlier words about Pageant and her snoring. “What about him?”

She searched his eyes. A slow smile crept across her lips. “Are you jealous of Blaine?”

“Ah, so it’s Blaine now, is it?”

Laughing, she threw the covers away from the bed and headed to the bathroom. “You’re gonna have to get a handle on that possessive nature of yours. Blaine and I are just friends. He’s my boss.”

“Then how does he know that you snore?”

“Uh…stakeouts?” She went into hysterics and entered the bathroom. A second later, she stuck her head in the bedroom again. “Do me a favor, leave the green-eyed monster in bed and come in here and join me. If you’re the reason I have more energy than I’ve had in my entire life, I’m not done with you yet.”

“Honey, in case your earlier sickness didn’t make you a believer, I’m pretty sure you’ll never be done with me.”

“You say that like you might plan to hold something over my head.”

“Your head didn’t have a darn horse in this race when I brought you home and took care of that sexy little body. And while I’m definitely attracted to your head, that beautiful mind, it’s your heart I’m after. Never forget that.”

Chapter Fourteen

“Can someone tell me why the MC is guarding Detective Keen’s home again?” Sheriff McKinney marched up the sidewalk.

Kurt jumped over the latticework surrounding the small porch and met him halfway. With his hands in front of his body, he said, “You can’t go in there.”

“Like hell I can’t. Detective Keen was clearly sick at our meeting. I’m here to check on her.”

From where Pageant was standing, she couldn’t see a whole lot after Sheriff McKinney walked up to the porch, but thanks to the slightly ajar window, she could hear the conversation.

“Since you and your ‘brothers’ rode into town, this place has gained a new understanding of bold and free. They understand the meaning of bold because you’re cocky enough to be here pretending to lend a hand when the truth is whatever is happening to this town is because of you people. As for free? None of us will know the meaning of true freedom until every last one of the Bold and Free riders get the hell out of Pleasant.”

Realizing what consequences they’d face if the MC left town, Pageant rushed outside. The screen door slammed behind her and she jerked with the impact. Dressed only in a pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt, she was sure her appearance would piss off the boss.

“You don’t mean it, Sheriff,” she said, ignoring the smirk on Kurt’s face. When this was all over, she intended to have a talk with Randon. Apparently on a need to know basis because of the current threat looming over them, Kurt seemed to know precisely what went on behind her closed doors.

So much for spontaneity.

“I meant every last word,” Sheriff McKinney said. “Let me remind you that thirty-two of our citizens are dead. The MC lost three of their own. And Deputy Phillips is fighting for his life.”

“And you’re turning on the only people who can help us?”

“Detective Keen, unlike you, I’m not impressed by Randon Shane or his sidekick here.”

“I’m hurt,” Kurt said, flattening his palm to his chest. “Have I done something to offend you, Sheriff?”

“I’ve spoken with officials in Fort Lurrow, Alabama.” Sheriff McKinney deliberately ignored Kurt and watched Randon carefully as he exited Pageant’s home. The two men glowered at one another, but words weren’t exchanged. “One of you should’ve mentioned why you’re on this case, why it’s so important to you.”

“I told you from the very beginning, we lost a friend in Alabama.” Randon turned his undivided attention to Kurt, and Pageant couldn’t help but notice the silent exchange between men. Undoubtedly, Randon paused as if he were awaiting the final word from Kurt, something to assure him he hadn’t given away too much information. “Sheriff, our one loss pales in comparison to the magnitude of what you’ve suffered here, but—”

“Knock it off, Mr. Shane. I’ve spoken with the proper authorities in Alabama and I’ve talked to the Feds, too. We aren’t discussing one friend here. Are we, Mr. Shane?” He scowled at Pageant. “Do you know why they’re really here?”