Princess popped out from under the covers. “Don’t say that. Yes, it was rough on a body that wasn’t used to that sort of thing, but I’m still a virgin. And how many women can go to bed with a man, learn all sorts of neat new tricks, and wake up the next morning—after having their very first orgasm, mind you—and say she’s still a virgin?”

“Not many,” Brant admitted.

“Exactly,” she said, covering her head again. “Now, I have a race tonight. The two of you need to let me get some sleep. We’ll play again soon. In fact, Brant?”


“I can’t wait to play with you.”

Chapter Fifteen

Princess awoke a few hours later, boarded a large chopper, and waved from the air. “I guess it wouldn’t have done me any good to tell her I didn’t want her to go, huh?” Colt asked.

“Probably not,” Brant replied.

“You have to remember, even though Princess was finally adopted late in life, she was on her own for a number of years. She’s only twenty-one, and yet over half of that time she’s been unable to rely on anyone other than herself. This stock car racing is her career. It provides a good income for her, from what I’ve read, and she seems to enjoy what she’s doing.”

“She could die,” Colt reminded him. “She’s the hottest new rookie on the track because she doesn’t have a lick of sense. And fear? Hell, nothing scares her. She isn’t afraid of anything out there.”

“Are we going to the race or not?”

Colt shook his head. “After the last one, I can’t do it. When I saw her car hit the wall, I just knew she wouldn’t walk away from that.”

“She did,” Brant reminded him. “And she somehow managed to finish second. That’s gotta tell you something about the way she handles herself when she’s in one of those machines.” A beat later, he said, “I’ll pick up the beer while I’m out in town. We’ll sit right here and watch the race on that new TV of yours. Besides, I guess we’ll have a little better view here, anyhow.”

Colt’s nose twitched. “I can’t just pack up and go whenever she’s on the track.”

“I understand that,” Brant said.

“But you can,” Colt remarked, studying the gooseneck trailer backing in the loading chute a good distance from them.

“You don’t want to go?”

Colt tilted his head toward the barn. “I’m shipping cattle all day. Hell, even if I wanted to, I’d still miss part of the race running in and out whenever another load comes in. You go. If you text her right now, they’ll turn that chopper around and come back and pick you up. I know she’d be tickled to death to have your company.”

“And you wouldn’t mind?” he asked, already sending a text message.

“Since when do you care what I think?” Colt asked.

“You’ve got a point.”

“I know.”

“I can’t promise you I’ll be the better man. If Princess and I spend the night together, I’m taking the opportunity like it’s mine to have.”

“It would be,” Colt said, grinning. “Believe me. I thought about it.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I don’t know. I sort of like riding from behind.”

“You always did,” Brant said. “Still, if I’d had a virgin in my bed, she would’ve been fucked.”

“Then I imagine she will be by the time the night is over,” Colt said, trying to mask the regret in his voice.

Brant looked up over the ridge of mountains. He tilted his chin toward the sky and excitedly said, “That didn’t take long, did it?”

“She loves us, Brant. Know that before you take her to bed. Don’t hurt her.”