“Depends on how you look at it, really,” Brant said, staring at the ring. “Damn, boy. Did you mortgage the farm and the house for that?”

Colt stared at Princess. “She’s worth twice that amount.”

“Maybe even more,” Brant said, his arms looping around her.

Colt tugged her forward, secured the ring on her third finger, and sealed their deal with a heated kiss, immediately dropping his hands to her waist. Brant stripped off his shirt and helped her do the same.

Strolling in the office, Colt crooked his finger back and forth. “My farm manager quit, so no one will bother us in here.”

Princess followed him to the door and peered inside. “There isn’t a lot of furniture,” she said shyly, noticing the only appointments to speak of were a large desk in the center of the room and a leather sofa located in the corner.

Colt moved stacks of paperwork to the side. She grinned as she watched him.

“What’s so funny?”

“Outside of the fact that we’re running around a barn without our clothes?” she asked.

“Yes, besides that,” Colt said.

“Well, to be honest with you, I just had a filthy image.”

“You did?” Colt asked.

“Yes,” she told him, stretching over the width of the desk.

“What are you doing, sub?” Brant asked.

“I’m taking control of this one situation, if

that’s all right with you, Sir.”

Colt smirked. “See what happens when I leave you alone with her for a couple of days? The little thing gets as bossy as she was back when she was having tea parties and looking for her happy endings.”

“I’ve got a happy ending for all of us if you’ll let me handle the entertainment today.”

Brant grunted. “Guess you’re the man up front.”

“Not a chance,” Colt said, standing behind her and slapping her ass.

Brant moved toward her, stalking her open mouth like a man on one hell of a mission. He held his cock and pressed the tip to her mouth, dragging his penis back and forth. She stared into his knowing eyes and rubbed her lips over the swell of his head, flipping the crest with her tongue as she tantalized and teased.

“Were you a good girl while you were gone?” Colt asked, running his hand over her hips and ass.

“No, Sir,” she replied, pressing her chest against the cold metal furniture while mumbling against the tip of Brant’s slick shaft. The cool desktop was soothing, and she was quite relaxed there.

Colt positioned his cock at her back hole, pressing his lips to her nape as he dragged his tongue back and forth over the thin hairs scattered at her neck. Brant thrust inside her mouth with the tip of his cock tapping against her throat. Colt slapped her bottom.

“I’m glad you were a bad girl,” he whispered at her ear. “I don’t know what to do with good little girls anymore.”

“Me either,” Brant said, tossing his head back over his shoulders and grinding inside her mouth.

She sucked and bucked, slurped and moaned, and within seconds, her bottom was well prepared, her puckered hole flexing as she fought to encourage impalement. Instead of fucking her ass, Colt continued to tease, watching as she taunted Brant.

She whipped her tongue around Brant’s size and then rose to the tip, whispering sweet nothings against his length. “What do you want, Brant?”

A dry chuckle left his lips and he yanked her forward, pulling her away from Colt in the process. He carried her to a nearby sofa where he stretched out across the cushions, careful to ensure her body flattened against his.

Once there, he penetrated her right away, stuffing his penis inside her so rapidly she gasped with the sudden invasion. “There, baby,” he crooned. “Now we’re both happy.”