* * * *

Their reunion had seemed so simple and yet Ellie realized it was much more complicated than it seemed. As she leapt into Allister’s arms, she bracketed her legs around his hips, appreciating the singular fact that hugging him was possible. Still holding him close when Bradley,

Derek, and Ryan approached, she reached for the others then embraced each man with one arm while dishing a dozen kisses or more.

“Hey now,” Allister crooned, cupping her bottom with both hands. “I didn’t get that kind of greeting.”

“Oh yes you did,” she said, tilting his chin to hers and smothering his mouth with a more intimate kiss.

Draegan and Serena walked up then. Their arms were entwined and Serena rested her face against his chest. She had a glow about her and Draegan was practically beaming, too.

“Tell me you didn’t,” Allister said, shaking his head.

Draegan winked at Serena and nodded at the limousine. “Seemed a shame not to take advantage of the privacy when most of you were tied up answering questions.”

The cops had arrived on the scene a few minutes after Trouble’s men secured the place. Ellie had a feeling that part had been planned to a fault. They didn’t trust anyone to break them out of this place. They had handled their rescue themselves and likely called the local police only after they were sure everyone was safe.

“Unbelievable,” Allister grumbled, draping his arm around her shoulder.

“Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same if we hadn’t been detained for questioning,” Ellie said.

About that time, Heather broke free of the detectives who had been interviewing her inside the small cottage. “Gabe! Curt!” Trembling all over, she jumped off the porch and sprinted across the lawn.

Gabe picked her up and swung her around. Curt waited but he didn’t do so without caressing her. He was probably running his hands all over her just to ensure she wasn’t harmed.

“She’s okay, Bradley,” Ellie said, smiling. “You would’ve been proud of her.”

“I’m proud of you both,” he said, squeezing her hand and going to check on his sister.

Serena said, “I told Draegan what I said to Heather. I want to apologize.”

“You owe her one,” Ellie said. “But she’ll understand.” They embraced and then Serena made a beeline for Heather.

Sable, Harley, and Mac approached next. Sable winked at Mac and Harley. “Woman is fearless.”

“If I was, it was because I drew strength from you.” She turned to Allister. “I could use a drink, a shower, and a slow screw, in that order.”

“I’ve never been one to follow specific orders, Ellie.” He lifted her up and carried her cradle-style to the car.

A guy with sleeved tats advanced from the left. “You must be some kind of woman.”

Ellie gripped Allister’s arm. He released her which was a telling sign. He knew the man.

“I want you to meet someone. Hank Ellis, meet Ellie Hunter. Ellie, this is the man who told us where to find you.”

Ellie leaned over and kissed his cheek, ignoring his extended hand. “Thank you, Mr. Ellis. I know what you risked by leading them here.” The cops had said the neighborhood traditionally had the reputation for stiff upper lips. “I really appreciate it and hope we didn’t cause you too much grief.”

About that time, Seth’s chauffeur and many of the gang members were led away in handcuffs. Seth was soon escorted to a cruiser, too. He didn’t look at anyone in particular. He didn’t make threats, call names, or spew promises. Once he was seated in the backseat, however, he turned to the window and winked at Ellie.

Immediately enraged, Allister took a sudden leap. “Son of a—”

“Let it go,” Hank said, placing a firm hand against Allister’s gut. “He’s going away for life and all of us around here are thankful to you for making that happen.” He smiled at Ellie. “As for saving you? For a kiss like that, I’d do it again.” He pointed at Allister. “Make sure she knows where to find me. If she ever gets tired of you guys, she’ll have a place here in Miami.”

She laughed. “Thank you, Mr. Ellis, but I’m not sure I could stand the heat here in Miami.”

Hank slapped Allister on the back and chuckled. “Considering what I’ve heard about Trouble, I’d say you got all the heat you can handle in the hills of Tennessee.”

Chapter Twelve