“Tell Mr. Dare that he won’t be alive to see it when it happens.”

Ellie gasped then in understanding. He wasn’t just there to abduct them. He had been hired to kill them all. He wasn’t concerned about who might follow them because he had every intention of disposing of them before help arrived.

“He’s planning to kill us!” Sable screamed. “Lock down Trouble! They’re coming for all of you!”

Sable was so predictable. She was always concerned about everyone else.

Seth aimed the gun at her head and barked, “Maybe I’ll start with you.” He cocked his weapon. “Considering what you’ve done and where you came from, I bet there’s a nice bonus in the works for your head on a platter. Bet that ole Dixie mafia crew would love to have proof of your demise.”

“Justin, I love all of you. Tell them,” Heather said, ending the call and throwing her phone at their abductor.

He dodged the cellular bullet and laughed. “So she has a temper and fire.” He then snarled and glared at the others. “I want them all. Now, ladies! I will not ask again.”

Chapter Seven

“Give us something, man!” Mac screamed in the phone, darted around a luggage rack, and hopped in the blue four-door that Harley was driving. He rolled the window down and looked over at Allister, clearly awaiting his signal. After only a moment, he apparently grew impatient. “We don’t have ti

me to sit here!” With two fingers in the air, he quickly jabbed them forward, motioning for the cars to take off and go.

Allister followed Harley’s lead, racing out of the parking lot with Ryan right on his bumper. With the team in Trouble working to assist them, three sedans had been waiting as soon as they left baggage claim. It paid to have friends in high places, and Detective Bane Brice, a former federal agent, must’ve had buddies with plenty of pull. He’d always boasted about owed favors and apparently he’d called all of them in at once.

“Talk to me!” Draegan yanked his seatbelt over his shoulder.

Allister checked the rearview mirror. “Keep an eye on Ryan back there, Markie.”

“He’s still with us,” Markie assured him, texting. “Why anyone put him behind the wheel in a catastrophic situation is the mysterious multi-million dollar question. I wouldn’t ride down the street with him. Why he can’t—”

“Markie!” Allister couldn’t take Markie’s babbling at the moment. “Please. Just sit back there and do your job. Make sure Ryan doesn’t lose us until we find out where we’re going.”

“Humph,” Markie grunted.

Harley, Mac, and Curt were in one car. Everyone else was with Ryan. Allister silently agreed with Markie. Ryan wasn’t Allister’s choice for a driver, but Bradley was with him. With his sister’s and lover’s lives on the line, Bradley wouldn’t tolerate anything less than an aggressive pursuit.

“Everyone on group text?” Allister asked, glancing behind him.

“You’re askin’ me?” Markie shook his head. “Fine time to put your trust in me, McCall. Just drive. Our baby girls are out there. Step on it!”

“Shh, Markie. I can’t hear.” Draegan held out the phone and hit the speaker option. “Say that again, Bane.”

“Heather was on the line with Justin. While the others were sending texts to you guys, she called the emergency line. Conversation on both sides was pretty clear. We’ll play it back for you here shortly. My guys are going over it now. She seemed to think this has something to do with the Vance brothers. Any idea why?”

“That doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Draegan said. “I talked to this Mr. Jones long enough to know he’s well spoken and intelligent. I don’t see him running around with any of the Vance brothers.”

“Did Heather indicate why she thought they might be involved?” Allister asked.

“As if we’d need to ask,” Draegan said, stepping into his condescending role of self-appointed boss. Whenever there was an emergency, Draegan became the point guy. “Bane, can you get Jims or Toms Vance on the line?”

“Already tried. We were sending guys out to interview Toms. Get this. The warden said Toms was unavailable, sick in fact. He’s quarantined now, some sort of suspicious flu.”

“What the fuck?” Allister’s veins burned with his rage. “You call that warden up personally and let him know that we don’t care if Toms is on his deathbed. Then you drive out and talk to him.”

“Toms will see you or die in that hellhole,” Draegan said in a threatening voice.

Allister guided their sedan in and out of traffic. “Where the fuck am I going?”

“Right now you’re driving into the thick of things,” Markie pointed out. “Pull over and wait for Harley.” He held his head high and looked around as if he were seeing the world through a child’s eyes.

“Harley is in front of us, Markie!” Draegan shook his finger at the windshield. “For the love of God, please try to pay attention.”