Derek had always played by the rules, but playing by the rules offered little appeal. Playing by them when someone else had broken them with the woman Derek loved bordered along the unacceptable.

Instead of making a scene like Allister had done on the last flight, he slowly r

ose and pretended to grab something from the overhead compartment. He gave Ellie a longing look, aware of Mr. Jones watching his every move.

Jones had already upset Allister. Derek wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of going two for two.

Ellie cocked her head and moistened her lips. Darn tease. She could give him a quick wink or a sultry gaze, and his cock was anchored and ready to launch.

With a slight backward tilt of his head, he walked around the middle section and up the far aisle. He’d meet his lady in the back of the plane. He didn’t need to lead her there.

A few minutes later, she rounded the corner and he stepped inside the small facilities. Locking the door, he laughed at the sign indicating the bathroom was occupied. It should’ve said “out of order” for the duration of the flight.

Without a word exchanged between them, he cupped her neck and brought her lips to his, brushing them gently at first before devouring them, marking them as his own. Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, feasting from his lips one minute then letting him lead the next.

At one point, the plane jutted forward. They both ended up with their arms clumsily around one another, holding fast to the other one in a clinging hug.

When the aircraft pulled away from the turbulence, the vixen shut the toilet lid and took a seat. Grabbing his belt, she hauled his body forward, staring at him with that seductress-like stare, the one he could so easily gauge, the one that stripped a man of any control he might have thought he owned.

Her fingers went to work. She unsnapped, unzipped, and tugged his cock free.

Those voluptuous lips went straight into action, sucking his cockhead, drawing him into the heat of her oh-so-talented mouth. With a steady intake of air, she pulled his cock across her tongue, blowing him like she would take an hour and a half to satisfying him.

He loved her lazy approach, the leisurely manner in her methods. Her tongue finally whipped out and found a target—the small slit now oozing with his excitement. Hugging his crest, her lips closed around the thickness in a painstaking maneuver that left him gasping, breathless.

She stared up at him and drew him completely inside her mouth once again, watching him the whole time. She made him want and need, yearn with a longing so intense it nearly brought him to his knees.

Holding fast to his shaft, she hummed without muttering any specific tune. The only song worth singing then was one from him, one with lyrics about showering a woman with extraordinary praise.

His hips rocked. His cock jumped. Her lips tightened. Her fingers dipped.

Without a second to prepare, she slipped her hand underneath his sac, pulling at the taut skin until he was experiencing a delicious mix of pleasure and pain, a need to explode but a profound yearning to hold on, just a bit longer, a little more.

“Come, Derek,” she whispered, rising to the tip and focusing on his slit again. “Let me taste you.”

Her request was an aphrodisiac, a wonderful suggestion. He rested his hand on her shoulder as he pushed his cock down her throat, loving how she squeezed around him, those short and quick vibrations shooting through his shaft until… “Ah fuck, I’m ready to blow!”

Ellie’s eyes closed and she sucked and pulled, drawing him to her tonsils and swallowing over and over again. At the same time, her fingers danced at his hole, circling around and around before thrusting inside him with deep intrusive penetrations.

When he came, he shot his cum straight down her throat, rocking against her face and hollering out her name. She fucked him with those tender sweet lips, that succulent mouth, and truly magical fingers. His woman remained right with him until she’d consumed every last drop of his juicy release.

* * * *

They were on the ground in Miami a couple of hours later. After meeting Derek for a quick fling, the flight had been uneventful. Ellie had faked sleeping to avoid conversation but then accidentally dozed off.

When she awoke, she was startled to discover she’d napped on Mr. Jones’s shoulder. Thank goodness her elderly neighbor had slept through the whole scene. She might have put her bag to good use.

“Sorry for the um…” Ellie stopped midsentence. She wasn’t about to apologize. He should’ve woken her.

“I enjoyed it,” he said, stroking his shoulder in an eerie fashion. “Maybe we’ll meet again, Miss.”

“If that day ever comes, it will likely be Mrs.” She turned to the “firecracker” next to her but felt his burning gaze at her back. She took a moment to collect her own belongings before she offered assistance. “Can I help you with anything?”

“No thank you.” The stench of whiskey filled the area as the older woman spoke. “Have a great time in Miami.” More slurred than before, the little lady rocked back and forth as if she were having a difficult time keeping her balance.

Ellie couldn’t help but wonder if she’d tied one on or actually napped. “Thank you. It’s bound to be an interesting trip.” Based on the events so far? That was an understatement.

Ryan snuck up and greeted her with a ravenous kiss, gripping her hips and nudging her with his obvious hard-on. “You’re lucky I was the one seated behind you.”