“For all we know this fucker is working for Seth,” Derek said.

“I don’t think so.” Ryan paid attention to the people on the streets. The evidence of poverty was everywhere. Rundown homes lined the streets. Scantily clad women worked their respective corners. Gang colors were everywhere as well. “I think this guy wants Seth Parkinson out of here.”

“Even if we help him accomplish that, he’ll still face the blowback from it,” Derek pointed out.

“That’s not our problem,” Gabe said.

“He’s right,” Ryan agreed, feeling no remorse. “He could’ve said no when we approached him for help but instead he offered his assistance.”

“And he gave us guns to boot,” Gabe added.

“That’s what bothers me the most,” Derek said.

“It doesn’t disturb me in the least.” Ryan parked on the street, pulling to a stop right behind the sleek Mercedes. “All I care about is saving Ellie, Sable, Serena, and Heather. After they’re safe, the whole place can burn for all I care.”

“There are children here,” Bradley reminded him.

Gabe said, “And look at this place. These children don’t stand a chance. Maybe with Seth out of the way, the police can reclaim this neighborhood and make it a better place for everyone.”

“With guys like our new friend, I don’t see that happening,” Ryan said.

Gabe opened his door. “Well, it’s not our problem. Our new pal chose his life. He has hot guns and he’s placing them in our hands and he doesn’t know us. That should tell you what kind of guy he is.”

“Personally, I don’t care what kind of man he is. I’ll be forever grateful if his help allows us to save the women we love. If it does, we’ll owe him.”

Gabe balked at that. “Don’t worry. Men like him always call in their favors.”

As much as Ryan hated to admit it, Gabe was right.

* * * *

“You need to try and get some sleep,” Heather said, lying on her side.

Ellie moved the sheer drapes out of her way and peered outside. “They’re like vultures out there. They’ve been circling this place all night, waiting on a chance to strike.”

“Or maybe the news that Seth did?” Heather suggested, sitting up with her back against the wall. “How long did I sleep?”

Ellie shrugged. “Maybe an hour.”

“Any movement around the limo?”

“No. Sable and Serena are either in the car or they’re—” She couldn’t say it. She couldn’t even let herself think it.

“Don’t, Ellie. So far this guy has done everything he told you he would do. We have to believe they’re still alive.”

“For how long?” Ellie asked.

Heather didn’t answer her. Instead, she moved straight to another point and said, “We need to talk.”

“I know what you’re going to say,” Ellie whispered.

“A forced marriage can be annulled,” Heather told her. “My brother would want you safe. He’d want you to do whatever you had to do to stay alive until he could find you.”

“And what makes you think any of us will ever be found if this guy lets us live?”

“I think he’s at odds with himself,” Heather said. “He was hired to do a job and perhaps might have done it well, but he saw you and instantly found himself drawn to you.”

Ellie agreed with that much. There had been an undeniable spark in his eyes when he’d first spotted her at the airport.