“That’s right. Take it out on me. I can handle it. It’s because I’m the one you love the most.” He smirked at Allister. “Over everyone.”

“Good grief,” Allister muttered. “Go ahead, Bane. We’re listening.”

“I have Ryan’s and Harley’s group on conference now. Listen up, fellas. We have Miami PD working with us, but guys, you need to split up. They’re in a white stretch Mercedes limo, newer model. We’ll get a better description to you as soon as we have it but I don’t think it will help. He’ll dump the car.

“Try to think like this guy. Any idea where he might take them, what he might want?”

“No,” Draegan replied.

“Come on! Think!” Bane shouted, clearly concerned for all the women but too close to the situation as one of Serena’s lovers. “Did anyone talk to him? Did you see anyone with him? What tipped him off? How did he know the women would be alone?”

“I don’t know,” Mac replied. “The gals didn’t suspect anything. We made a last minute decision to send them ahead of us.”

“Which means he must’ve overheard us on the plane and improvised at the last minute,” Bradley pointed out.

“If that’s the case, that’s good,” Bane said. “It will work in our favor if he’s planning as he goes. Anyone talk to him for any length of time?”

“Allister sure did.” Markie turned to the window and dabbed his eyes. “Come to think of it. This is your fault, Allister.”

“Just this once, I do not want to hear you and Allister squabble!” Harley yelled. His voice ricocheted through that cell phone with a reverberating quality to it.

Harley seldom raised his voice. He wasn’t one to show his emotions but when the news had come in about the women, Allister had witnessed his brother’s love for Sable. He’d looked downright defeated.

Draegan faced Markie. “Blame won’t help anyone right now.”

“Information will,” Bane reminded him. “Draegan, concentrate. We need a street or hotel or—”

“He said something about gambling and going to the Bahamas.”

“That’s too easy. He’s not headed to Nassau, much less a casino. With security cameras and tight surveillance in play, there’s no way he’ll take that kind of risk. From what Heather said when she talked to Justin, they left the airport and were on the expressway. We’ve alerted the coastguard on the chance he tries to flee by boat, but we believe he’ll stay right there in Miami. Anyone can get lost there. Allister, can you tell us anything at all?”

“Nothing,” Allister muttered, kicking himself for not going with his gut. He’d known all along that something was off with that creep. Now it all made sense. He’d yet to meet one Vance brother who didn’t give him the heebie-jeebies. “Any chance this guy is related to the Vance boys? Did they have another brother tucked away somewhere?”

“Hang on, Allister,” Bane said.

Draegan shrugged. “I don’t see a connection between the Vance family and this guy. He’s too polished.”

A lot of commotion resounded in the background. Draegan seemingly strained to pick up something but then shook his head and peered at Markie. “We need to keep this line open for Bane. Text the others and tell them to split up and keep their eyes open. Bane was right. They’ll probably ditch the limo.”

Markie fired off texts. Allister fought the wheel, avoiding an accident and then shot out of the slowing traffic. Draegan gripped the handle above his head. “Watch where you’re going, damn it!”

“Guys, it’s not good.” Bane was back on the line.

“What is it?” Markie leaned forward.

“Damn it, Allister. Pay attention,” Draegan grumbled, rolling his fingers forward in a quick rotation and then jabbing his index finger at an open lane. “What do you have, Bane?”

“The picture Serena sent was helpful. We know who we’re dealing with now and this guy probably realized what we’d find when we ran the photo. He just didn’t care.”

“Why wouldn’t he—” Allister stopped talking. His vision blurred then and his heartbeat slowed. Rage settled in his veins like a festering infection. “Who is he, Bane?”

“Seth Parkinson,” Bane replied. “He’s been on the FBI’s Most Wanted for over a decade. Interpol wants him, too.”

“The question I should’ve asked then is what is he?” Allister already knew the answer.

“He’s a hired gun, Allister. And boys, he’s at the top of his field. We’ve never been close enough to catch him. If you’re on his tail now, it’s because he wants you there. He’s playing with you.”

“Or leading us into a trap.” Ryan’s heavily accented voice filled the line.