Draegan cocked his head and tried to see Bane’s reaction. “Sucks huh?”

“What’s that?”

Allister and Draegan shared a laugh.

“Damn man gets more women than I ever had in my life as a single man.”

Slender arms wrapped around his neck and Serena whispered at his ear. “But you aren’t a single man anymore, Draegan McCall.”

“You’re right.” He patted her hand and then pulled her around his body, forcing her to his lap. And even though he couldn’t see her then, he could tell she was smiling up at him. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Four Weeks Later

“All the reports are back.” Bane entered Serena’s kitchen and slapped a stack of paperwork on her kitchen table. “Seems you boys were telling the truth. Vin got away.”

“We wouldn’t lie to you, Bane.” Draegan poured another cup of coffee and peered inside Serena’s bedroom, watching her as she slept like a pampered princess.

She’d been good and pampered all right—for the last twenty-eight days, Bane and Draegan hadn’t let her out of their sights. It was becoming a habit of sorts and Draegan had been meaning to mention moving the party to his house, but his place was on two levels and he would miss moments like this.

“You get up early just so you can sit here and stare at her while she sleeps.”

“Is there a problem with that?” Draegan asked, sipping his coffee.

“Not that I can see.” Bane’s lips twitched. He then gripped Draegan’s shoulder. “I owe you an apology. When you guys returned from the Vance property, I really believed you were covering something up. I thought you’d killed Vin.”

“Yeah, Allister told me you didn’t believe us.” He sniffed. “For future reference, the McCall brothers hate pain. If we’re going to set up a crime scene, rest assured we won’t spray anything in our faces to make it look legit. And also for future reference, we’ve made a pact not to keep secrets from family.”

Bane nodded. “Good to know. I’m sure that will make your brothers sleep better at night.” He took a seat across from Draegan. “Done with the sports section?”

Draegan passed it to him. They read in silence for a while and then Draegan peered up at him and said, “If we’re sharing a woman,

I might as well put this out there.”

“Okay.” Bane didn’t look up.

“I didn’t dislike you.” Draegan folded his newspaper in half. “I actually had and still have a lot of respect for you.”

“But?” Bane glanced up, smirking.

“But I’m obsessed with her.”


“Not in a bad way,” Draegan said, trying to explain. “I just don’t want you to hurt her.”

“Understood.” Bane sipped his coffee.

“All right then.” Draegan lifted his newspaper again and continued reading.

“And McCall?”

“Yeah?” He peered around the side of the long periodical.

“I don’t want you to hurt her either.”

Draegan grinned. “Then we agree on something.”