Harley cocked his head and narrowed his gaze. “Draegan? Do you know something?”

“Tell them,” Bane said. “Tell them why Markie stuck close to you for years, why he’s really been ‘part of your family’ and as ‘close as’ any brother.”

“I don’t know what you’re suggesting,” Draegan said, seemingly sincere.

“Bullshit. You know exactly what I’m talking about and so does Mac.” Bane grabbed his jacket from the coat tree and took hold of Serena’s elbow, steering her to the door. “I’ll walk Serena home. Maybe by the time I get back, everyone will know what’s really going on here. After the air is cleared, we can go from there.”

“We don’t need the air cleared,” Allister said, crossing his arms. “Like you said, ‘we’re brothers’ and as sure as I’m standing here, I can tell you this. None of us keep anything from the other one.”

“That’s a fact,” Harley said, seemingly certain.

“Seems you’re the one with secrets,” Draegan said, staring at Bane’s hand on Serena’s arm. “Why will we hear from Vin Vance tomorrow afternoon?”

Serena had been wondering the same thing.

“Feds have been digging into the Vance family history. Tomorrow is an anniversary of sorts.”

“What kind of anniversary?” Draegan asked slowly, apparently prepared for the worst.

“On April 9th, eight years ago, his stepmom was murdered. We believe Vin killed her. We also believe he’s gone on a killing spree every year since.”

“And why is he walking around a free man?” Harley asked.

“For the same reason his brothers stayed free for so long. Someone, somewhere, made a deal with the devil a very long time ago and apparently all the Vance sons have been protected by some sort of secret society.” He swung his gaze at Draegan. “And you know all about those elite organizations. Don’t you?”

Draegan went pale. “I can guess what you’re thinking and you’re wrong.”

“What’s he talking about, man?” Harley asked.

Bane scoffed. “Thought brothers didn’t have secrets.”

“They don’t,” Draegan said. “Unless it’s one that will save their lives.”

* * * *

Draegan was mad as hell. After promising he’d explain everything to his brothers later, he followed Bane and Serena back to Serena’s.

“What the fuck were you doing back there?” Draegan jumped off the golf cart and rushed Bane as soon as he left his unmarked nondescript white sedan.

“Draegan, wait!” Serena was seemingly faster than the speed of sound because she reached Bane before Draegan had the chance.

“Stay out of this, Serena!” Draegan pointed at her then pivoted to his left and swung his finger at Bane. “You had no right.”

“Considering your brothers don’t really know who Markie is, I’d say I had every right.” He glanced at Serena. “Why don’t you wait inside for us?”

“I’m fine where I am, thanks.”

For a split second, Draegan lost his train of thought. Serena wasn’t going anywhere because she likely thought Bane had given Draegan just enough rope to hang himself.

Oh no. Draegan wouldn’t play this game.

“Whether you believe me or not, I wasn’t trying to cause trouble.”

“Of course you were,” Draegan sang. “Why didn’t you go ahead and tell them what you know, hmmm?” He snorted at that. “I’ll tell you why. You don’t have all the facts, just like you don’t have all the facts about Vin Vance. You have a bunch of theories. That’s all. In fact, that’s what we’re all doing here—going on hunches. You haven’t given us anything concrete since we received the first texts.”

Bane closed the limited distance between them and it was then when Draegan saw the cop, the man who’d earned so many commendations he might as well be wearing them like a decorated soldier. “How’s this for concrete? Markie will be killed tomorrow afternoon unless we find him. You already suspected this because you know he’s the patsy for Jims—Longs—and has been since he was a boy. He’s marked and you’ve known it for a long time. You and Mac.”

“What’s he talking about?” Clearly addled, Serena jerked her head back and forth, looking at one man and then the other. “What do you mean Markie’s a patsy?”