“Thank you,” Brice said, blowing out a breath. “My point is this.” He leveled a look on each of them before he finished by saying, “You guys are doing a good thing here. If someone threatens that, if someone comes here draped in fireworks or an explosive that might take this place down, you have a right to protect what’s yours on either side of this gate as far as I’m concerned.”

They all seemingly looked at the detective in a new light then. Gabe, Justin, Curt, Draegan, Markie, and Allister awaited the opportunity to shake his hand and thank him again.

As the ambulance and other squad cars pulled in front of Trouble’s sign, the detective nodded at Gabe and grinned. “You tell Heather I’ll be seeing her.”

“In your dreams, Detective,” Gabe said, an added spring in his step as he thought about the forthcoming hours. “In your dreams.”

* * * *

Gabe was stripping as he entered, but Justin was practically undressed. His shirt was off. His jeans were unsnapped. Curt hung back and shut the door, admiring the woman they thought of as their own.

“I wasn’t expecting you,” Heather said, tossing aside a book and easing away from the bed. Topless and wearing only a thong, she was a little tease and Curt had always loved her for it.

“You just hang around your room like this?” Gabe popped her bottom in passing before drawing the curtains. “I guess no one told you there are cameras out there.”

“You’re kidding,” she said, her mouth falling open. “I didn’t know.”

“Sure you did,” Curt said, wanting to spank her ass for giving someone a show. “Tell me you haven’t been playing without us?”

“I was just now thinking about it,” she drawled, tucking her arms around Justin’s back as he bracketed his thin limbs around her waist and lowered her to the bed.

Now naked, Justin wasted no time in pushing her against the mattress. Gabe started to join them, too, but Curt stopped him. “Remember how the unknown makes you feel? Take pity on a friend.”

Justin grinned into the kiss he initiated and slipped a condom in her hand. Turning his head to them, he arched his neck and clearly enjoyed the shower of kisses she planted along his trunk.

“I’m not stingy like some,” he said. “You can join if the lady says it’s all right.”

Heather stroked Justin’s cock, watching him with those beautiful blue eyes as she pushed her hand down on his shaft. Rising to her knees, she bent forward and dragged his cock to her lips, rubbing her mouth all over him before rolling the protection down his shaft.

“Fuck me,” Curt said, his cock now standing straight up.

“Come here and I will,” she said in a saucy voice before jerking her head and summoning Gabe as well.

Now suited up for action, Justin towered over her, wasting no time in cradling her breasts and showering them with plenty of attention. He crawled down her body, nipping at her skin until he reached her pussy.

Once there, he tucked his hands under her bottom and lifted her to his mouth, blowing and licking her clit, arousing her, but refusing to lead her to the throes of satisfaction.

“You’re teasing me,” she whined, coming to an upright position and mashing down on Justin’s head.

“Damn that’s sexy,” Gabe said, stroking his cock.

“Ain’t it though?” Curt crawled up the bed and waited beside her, pumping his dick with a slow hand, wanting to come, dying to see her mouth wrapping around him, fucking his shaft before sucking his balls.

Gabe stretched out beside her, flat on his back. He oiled his cock, craving the woman in motion. And she was surely something to see.

Her hands flattened against the mattress and she dug her toes between the coverlet and sheets. “Finish me, Justin.” Her singsong voice was enough to make every cock in the room harder than steel.

“Come here,” Gabe said, pulling her to him and brushing her hair away from her face. He brought her over him, her back to his chest.

“Hmm yeah,” Curt muttered. “I like where this is heading.”

She reached for him then and pushed her lips to his slit, rubbing the crest with her fingers until he was more aroused than he might have been if her jaws had been locked around his cock.

“Scoot up some, baby.” Gabe’s voice was guttural, and the tightly clipped syllables showed further evidence of a desire-ridden man.

Justin lifted her hips and stared down at the point of connection, his eyes going misty as soon as Gabe penetrated her.

“Oh God!” she cried out when he made his first impalement but her whimpers only slowed him down. He didn’t offer to stop.