“Then show us around. Let us have that much.” Draegan remembered a similar conversation about seven years ago. It didn’t go so well. They’d knocked out their hosts and searched the property without a guided tour.

“I believe we need to put these two in the hole, Dons,” Kens said. “Then maybe they’ll learn their lessons.”

Allister took a deep breath. Seventy-five percent. He was ready to blow.

“Listen, fellas,” Dons began. “If I could help ya out, I’d do it. You’ins are legends around these parts. Still don’t change the truth, though. We ain’t seen Heather since she popped off that crazy-ass email to her brother.”

“It wasn’t an email,” Allister said.

Dons smirked. “That’s right. It was a message attached to a panty order. Can you believe that?” He laughed. “Damn whore had so many panties ripped off her body we had to go and buy her some more and what do you reckon she up and did?”

“Sent a message,” Draegan said sarcastically. “You can’t trust a woman.”

“No you cannot.” Dons sniffed. “And a day or two later, she split. I told her at the time, we gonna have a mess here on our hands on account of ya. Think she cared?”

“She did not,” Draegan mocked him.

Dons frowned. “No. She did not.”

“So she split?” Draegan asked, acknowledging Harley and Gabe sneaking up behind the Vance brothers. He tried not to focus on them and hoped Allister would at least let Draegan buy them some time until help arrived.

“Well, ya know what they say. Every dog has his day. Same goes for bitches in heat. We just couldn’t keep her happy anymore.” Dons cocked his head and studied Allister with a menacing grin. “Hell, from what I hear, yer brother here ought to be able to tell us all about them there dissatisfied women. He bangs one that fucks three more.” Dons laughed. “Now that’s a whore worth fighting for. A champion whore is what she is…sort of like a thoroughbred. Them there thoroughbreds are high-strung, real runners.

“Is your woman a runner, McCall? I bet she is. I bet she runs from one feller to another and just stretches them there legs anytime and anywhere!” He grabbed his crotch and smacked his lips. “Damn shame you didn’t bring her with ya today.”

A loud rumble is the only thing Draegan heard. Fortunately for all of them, when Allister attacked Dons, the guns fired were shot straight up in the air.

Still, Allister had no way of knowing that’s how their luck would play out, a fact Draegan would mention at another time. By the time Allister had pinned Dons to the ground, he was a machine, throwing one punch after another.

“Don’t do it,” Draegan warned Kens, turning his own shotgun on him.

“What the hell happened?” The dumb one, or rather Kens, couldn’t figure out how they’d gained the upper hand.

“Your brother Dons there ran his mouth to the wrong man and Allister’s teaching him a lesson. He’ll be done here shortly.” Blood and spit we

re flying.

“And when he is?” Gabe moved closer to Kens. “You’re gonna take us to Heather or else we’ll turn Allister loose on you next. Understand?”

“I’ll…uh…have to ask…Dons.”

“And if he’s unable to make an informed decision?” Draegan asked.

“I don’t understand.” Kens shook his head back and forth.

Draegan grunted. “I was afraid of that.” He used the butt of the shotgun and with two hard jabs, put Kens down to the ground.

“That’s enough, Allister,” Gabe said, pulling him off Dons.

“Enough!” Harley yelled, helping Gabe drag Allister away.

Dons and Kens were out cold. Allister left the battle stomping, snorting, and cursing.

“He insulted Ellie,” Draegan explained.

“We heard,” Harley said.

“Now do you see why I wanted to team up with you?” Draegan looked at Harley and shook his head.