Harley shrugged. “Fifteen, twenty minutes since we pulled on Vance land.”

“And we haven’t encountered the first bit of opposition?” Gabe searched the land to his left and right. In the distance, he spotted Allister and Draegan, wearing their ridiculous hunting camouflage. He shifted his gaze to Harley, also dressed in camo. “I meant to ask. What’s up with your taste in fashion?”

“Blending in?”

“Planning to pass yourselves off as hunters, are you?”

“If we’re stopped, it’s worth a try.”

“I guess,” Gabe muttered, still bothered by the calm. “Locals around here claim this is the devil’s playground. Don’t you think it’s strange that we’re not hearing or seeing anything?”

“Shit. I forgot to tell you. Satan naps from two to four.”

“I’m serious here, Harley.”

“Me too.” Harley passed him again.

A loud boom resounded in the distance. Gabe grabbed his arm once more. “Hold up.”

“What is it?”

“Did you hear that?”

“Yeah, and it’s behind us.”

“Maybe,” Gabe said, narrowing his eyes on the property in front of them. “Even if those shots were back there, straight ahead isn’t exactly sacred ground.”

“Given the rumors surrounding this place, I wouldn’t be so sure.”

Gabe looked off to the left. Below them, he expected to see Allister and Draegan again. They were gone.

“Call Draegan and Allister.”

Clearly alarmed, Harley fished his phone from his pocket and dialed. “You okay? Gabe was concerned about you. Yeah I know. He’s such a sweetheart.” A beat later, he added, “All right, man. Stay alert.”


“We’re bringing up the rear,” Harley said.

Every muscle in Gabe’s body tightened and he stopped again. “They know we’re here.”

Harley blew out a hard breath. “Now what?”

“It’s my gut.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll keep walking and you keep tapping on your sixth sense’s shoulder. Let me know when she gives you something substantial to go on.”

Harley took the lead then by several paces. Gabe kept his distance, watching Harley’s back.

“You never told me what happened in the sequel.”

“What sequel?”

“Your fairy tale was fairly short. What happens in the second book?”

“I get the girl and we live happily ever after.”

Ba-boom! Ba-boom! Ba-boom!