Allister, Harley, and Draegan swapped glances. Allister wasn’t buying his “I don’t remember” bit but he wouldn’t press. Whatever he’d seen in the Vance family’s well had haunted him. It had scared him then and it scared him now.

The door opened. Curt, Bradley, and Gabe entered. Curt said, “Are we gonna talk about this for a day or two or are we ready to move?”

Allister turned to Draegan. “This is all on us. You and Markie stay here.”

“I may be able to help,” Draegan said. “I remember a little about the property.”

“He has a point,” Markie sang. Everyone watched Markie then. Like Allister, they probably expected him to bribe his way into the heart of the action. Instead, he added, “I’ll stay here. I know when I’m not wanted. Besides, I’m a good shot. I’ll stay at the gate until you fellas get back. Call ahead if we’re expecting company.”

Curt’s eyes were stone cold. “Markie, if you remember anything at all about that place, call me.”

“I’ll do it,” Markie promised. “Y’all be careful. The last thing you want is an invitation to a weenie roast hosted by the Vance brothers. And trust me when I tell ya—it ain’t beneath ‘em.”

* * * *

Doors slammed around two dually trucks and Allister’s SUV. Gabe searched the area with one quick sweep. Timber surrounded them and he had a feeling the forest wasn’t as serene as it looked.

Tall pines reached for the sky, towering over the scattered redwood and white oak trees. The way the timber was layered throughout the forest made it appear as if the trees had been planted in strategic places. Perhaps the earlier settlers had done just that in an effort to keep the Vance family’s secrets hidden from the rest of the world.

“Place is a natural fortress,” Allister said, popping open the back of his SUV and handing out weapons and survival gear.

“Wait until we’re in the heart of it,” Draegan said. “Then you’ll get the

real gist of this place.”

“I’d prefer to drive in,” Justin said, loosening the button on his collar.

Gabe was surprised Justin hadn’t shown up in a suit and tie. He was the businessman of the bunch and typically dressed the part.

“We walk,” Allister deadpanned, shooting Bradley a quick glance. Apparently Allister had already made Bradley a series of promises.

Gabe grunted. Those oaths should’ve been made to him. If they fucked this up, Gabe wouldn’t forgive them.

“Justin’s not completely wrong here, guys,” Curt said. “We should give these boys an opportunity to release Heather.”

Draegan tossed Gabe a shotgun but kept his attention on Justin and Curt. “How would that work exactly? Hmm?”

Curt winced as if it pained him to think about logistics. “If I’m doing the planning, I would suggest knocking on the door, letting them know we’re aware of what’s going on.”

“Maybe mention Heather sent out an SOS?” Draegan asked, too much play in his voice. “Perhaps ask if we can work out some sort of trade or a fair market price?”

“Here now,” Gabe said. “Remember who we’re talking about.”

Bradley turned to look at him. His eyes told many tales then. He was a concerned brother. He realized he’d made his mistakes and understood what his lack of concern for his sister may have cost them.

“No solid ideas yet?” A real smartass, Draegan taunted Curt while checking sights, passing around ammunition, and tucking guns wherever he could hide them. “Then I vote we do this my way.”

“Imagine that,” Harley muttered, collecting his weapons and moving out of the way.

“All right, look,” Justin said, slicing his hand as if to firmly state his point. “I’ll go in and knock on the door and try to work out something. If I succeed, then great. We all leave here with what we wanted—Heather. If not—”

“If not, then we pick up your corpse on the way out,” Draegan interrupted him. He never cracked a smile.

“He’s right,” Gabe said. “We shouldn’t risk it. If they know you’re here, then that gives the rest of us away. In the meantime, they could dispose of you and Heather. I’m not willing to take that chance.”

“All right then,” Curt said. “Forget we mentioned anything.”

“Fine by me.” Draegan pulled out a map and waved for the others. “All right everybody. Gather round.” He spread the flat map over the hood of his truck and pointed to their location. “We’re here. Best I remember….” His voice trailed with his finger. “The house is somewhere around this area.” He looked up. “There are two wells near the screened porch. The rest could be anywhere. Some are nothing more than a hole in the ground.”