“How’d you find Markie?” Allister asked.

“You have to ask?” Draegan laughed. “Man squeals like a stuck pig when he’s frightened.”

“And I sang hog tunes to Old McDonald’s Farm when I realized they planned to sacrifice me.”

“What?” Allister screeched.

Draegan rummaged through the main desk looking for the gun cabinet key. As soon as he found it, he passed it off to Allister. “Sort of makes sense now, huh? What I said back at the barn? That wasn’t for shits and giggles, Allister. These guys are worse than any we’ve ever faced.”

“Doubtful.” Allister loped to the gun cabinet without a break in stride. He chose a few shotguns and a couple of forty-fives, his weapons of choice. “Can you think of anything that will help us when we go in there?”

“Yeah,” Draegan said. “Be sure when you see a Vance brother, you shoot to kill. We don’t need survivors. If we have those, we’ll have problems later.”

“We’re not going on a killing spree,” Harley stated flatly.

“Then I can’t app

rove this,” Draegan said.

“You’re serious?” Harley winced. “Man, if we go in there with a murderer’s agenda, we’ll be brought up on charges and rightfully so.”

“Well what do you propose we do? Think we should just drive on up to the main house, peck softly on the door, and tell the fellows we were out for a drive and wanted to have a look around?” Draegan snorted at that. “Hell no. When we go in, we go in right.”

“Listen to yourself. We aren’t going in there with our guns drawn. One of our own has a sister being held there!”

“And I’m aware of that, Allister. Still doesn’t change the fact that we have rules and we typically stick to them. Fact of the matter is, I’m not for this. I don’t think we should go at all. We specifically had guidelines to follow, rules in place to prevent these shotgun practices. If a woman wants our help, she comes to us. That’s just the way it is.”

“Sugar, you and I both know if she escaped wherever she’s being held she’d still have a long walk out of those mountains. There’s no way she could get out of there undetected.”

“Exactly,” Draegan said, crossing his arms. “And there’s no way we can get in without being seen. I can’t, won’t, approve of this.”

“Who died and left you king?” Harley asked, choosing automatic weapons. “I’m with Allister. This is a family matter. Bradley is one of ours so that makes his kid sister ours, too. Look at it this way. Our bylaws are a guideline. One of the rules in the handbook states the women must come here and remain here only if it is by choice. Apparently, Heather wants that opportunity or she wouldn’t have risked contacting someone on the outside. She reached out to Bradley. She wants our help. It’s no different than when we go to the area hospitals to pick up a new resident.”

“I agree, sugar,” Markie said, crossing and bouncing his leg. He gave Draegan a sympathetic look.

Draegan returned it with a stern glare. “If you agree so much, how come you aren’t picking up your pistol and loading your guns?”

“Oh darlin’, you must’ve forgotten.” He grabbed his crotch. “I’m always locked and loaded here. Does this mean we’re going after Heather?”

Allister shook his head once and Draegan took a deep breath before he said, “Markie, we’ve got this one.”

“I’m going,” he deadpanned.

“It’s not a good idea,” Allister said. “They know you and if they know you, they’ll know why we’re there.”

“And if they see Draegan coming, what will they think? He’s a door-to-door shoe salesman?”

“He’s got a point,” Harley said, practical in times like these. “Draegan, as far as I’m concerned, you and Markie need to stay behind. If the Vance brothers see one or both of you, they’re liable to think you’re there to settle old scores.”

“I’ll go,” Draegan said. “If I’d taken care of these guys seven years ago, we wouldn’t be going up that mountain road now to save an innocent girl.”

The door slammed behind them and they all turned. Justin Dare stood there looking like a wounded animal. His eyes were wild. The top sprig of his hair trembled violently as if his nerves had caused it to stand straight up. Sweat covered his furrowed brow and he was as pale as a freshly fallen winter snow. “Is it true? Did Heather reach out to you?”

“She sent a message to Bradley,” Allister said.

Justin passed them without another word. In a matter of seconds he was draped in weapons. When he turned around again, he said, “Let’s get one thing straight. The Heather I knew wasn’t innocent. She was street smart. I don’t know what Curt told you or what her brother even knows but the Heather I know? She can take care of herself.”

“Unless she can’t,” Draegan pointed out. “I’ve seen the Vance property. I’ve met the Vance brothers.”