“What are you up to?” He peered over her shoulder and tried to spot who or what was holding his woman’s interest. As soon as he saw Detective Brice he said, “Tell me no.”

“No?” She turned around then and flattened her hands on his chest. “But he’s perfect.”

“Perfect for who? Me, Curt, Justin, or you?” He was three seconds shy of asking Brice to leave.

“You’re so cute when you’re jealous,” she said, tipping his nose with her finger. “I’m not talking about us.”

“Maybe you should elaborate or at least clarify,” Gabe said.

She bracketed her arms around his waist and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. “He’s interested in Serena. The day he met me in the café? I picked up on it. She acts perfectly normal around everyone except Detective Brice and Draegan. When either one of them are around, she gets all jittery and—”

“And it won’t work,” Gabe interrupted her, taking a beer from Curt when he joined them. “Thanks.”

“Why won’t it work?” Heather asked.

“What won’t work?” Justin asked, walking up then.

“Heather is convinced Brice, Draegan, and Serena are a match made in heaven.”

Curt spewed his next sip of beer and laughed out loud. “That’s absurd.” He wiped his chin on the back of his wrist.

“Here comes the man of the hour, let’s ask him. Want to?”

“No, don’t,” Heather whispered, pushing against Gabe’s chest.

“Is this a private party or can anyone join?” Draegan asked.

“Oh, you mean you’re asking for permission now?” Heather balked at that. “Last I heard, you intrude whenever there’s a vacant seat in front of a monitor.”

“You knew I was there,” Draegan said, grinning.

“I knew someone was there, but I didn’t guess you.”

“Now we’re all on the same page.” Draegan shot her a wink.

“Watch it,” Gabe said.

“Flirting with our woman is off limits,” Curt added.

“Imagine that,” Draegan muttered, watching Serena like he was afraid she might vanish at any moment.

“You’ve got it bad,” Curt said, slapping him squarely between the shoulders.

“Yes I do.” He nursed his beer. “She knows it, too.”

“Maybe you should think about asking her out,” Justin suggested. “She seems interested in you.”

“She is,” Draegan said, moistening his lips as he studied her.

“Then what’s the problem?” Curt asked.

“As my brother Allister once said, ‘I like playing games I can win’ and I’m not a hundred percent sure I can win there. Not yet.”

“You surely aren’t talking about you and Serena like you’re involved in some sort of game.” Heather looked appalled.

“Dating is a game, Heather. You of all people should know that.” Draegan looked at her crossly and added, “No offense.”

“None taken,” she said flippantly, clearly bracing for the kill. “Besides, from what I can tell, you’re right. Dating is a game. And Detective Brice seems eager to play and win.”