“Beats me, too, Markie,” Harley said, yawning. “Well, fellas. I’m turning in. Allister, enjoy the night shift. Draegan, ask Serena out when you man up. Markie, take an all-male cruise or something. You and Draegan both need to get laid.”

“I’m workin’ on it, sugar,” he said, snuggling up in Draegan’s arms.

Draegan pushed away from the desk and stood, dumping Markie on the floor as he made his way to the door.

“I meant the cruise. Not you!” Markie called out to him.

Allister claimed his seat and pulled out his old Game Boy.

“You’re such a kid at heart,” Markie said.

“I’m trying to beat my last high score,” Allister informed him, glancing up at Draegan, now at the gun cabinet returning his weapons.

“Well, good luck with that, hon.” Markie clutched his collar and pranced to the door. “I’m out of here, boys. Hope the night is good to both of you. Well, not you Allister. If you get lucky tonight then that means no one is holding down the fort.”

“Derek and Ryan are at the gate.”

“Doesn’t mean you can lay down on the job here,” Draegan pointed out.

“This coming from the man who watches onsite porn,” Allister said, his fingers working faster and faster as he played his Game Boy.

“Keep us safe,” Draegan grumbled.

“Always,” Allister fired back, moving his arms up and sideways as he fought with the game he was apparently losing. As the boing-boing-boing signified a loss, Allister looked up and said, “Hey, Markie?”


Allister then lowered his electronic device and took a deep breath. “I just wanted you to know that when I gave Dons his beating?”

“Yeah?” Markie moved closer.

“It was for you as much as for Ellie.”

Draegan looked taken aback. “You damned near killed him.”

“I wanted to,” Allister said, sniffing. “Markie, you might chap my ass sometimes, but I love ya. We’re family. And as long as I draw air, nobody is gonna mess with you.”

Markie clucked and tears welled in his eyes. “Ah, Allister.” He ran across the room on his tiptoes and flung his skinny body against Allister’s tank-like form. “I love you, too, hon.” He turned to Draegan and motioned for him with his hand. “Come on, sugar. Group hug.”

Draegan cursed under his breath but he joined in. When they separated, Draegan had to laugh as Allister resumed his badass persona, acting all rogue again.

“Now get out of here so I can work,” he said, picking up his electronic distraction once more.

“You know, your fancy phone has some cool games, too.”

“Yeah, I know,” Allister mumbled. “But I like to play the games I can win.”


Four Months Later

The celebration barbeque was a sight to behold. Everyone in Trouble had come out for the occasion. The men were in charge of food and beverage. The women had been told to just dress for their fellows.

Considering the short-shorts around there, Gabe was pretty certain everyone had followed the dress code, everyone except Heather, and she might as well have been wearing boy shorts or maybe nothing at all.

“Hmm. Hmm,” Gabe muttered, sneaking up behind her and nipping at her ear. “You look good enough to eat.”

“Later.” She swatted him away. “I’m doing something.” She stretched her neck and scanned the crowd.