“My mind was made up when I came back to Tennessee,” she admitted. “The only reason I didn’t make my way to Trouble first was

because I knew Gabe would want to stop me and I was determined to find a story.”

“Well, now you have one.”

“Yes, I do,” she said, exiting the vehicle and leaning in the window. “But I’ve decided to reconsider genres.”

He released a burdened breath. “Thank God.”

“I know, right?” She pushed away from the car and called out, “I’ve decided to write adult romances and base them on real life experiences!”

Chapter Ten

Ellie met Bradley and Allister at the gate. Heather hung back and watched them together as Gabe, Justin, and Curt went inside the guard house to find a key for her new home.

It was interesting to observe Ellie with her brother and Allister, not at all strange like she had first thought. Ellie seemed perfectly happy and seemingly divided her time and attention between the two men, but she could tell she sort of favored Allister. There was just a different look in her eyes when she spoke to him, a more intimate connection between the two. She wondered if her brother knew and if he did, she wondered if it bothered him.

Before she thought too much about it, Ellie rushed over and threw her arms around her. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”

“Thank you,” Heather said, pulling away to look at her. She wasn’t what Heather had expected. She’d seen Ellie at a distance once at a ballgame, but they’d never been introduced. The way Bradley had always talked about Ellie, she’d expected a cheerleader-type, one with a little too much bounce in her step and too much air in her brain. She immediately felt guilty for stereotyping. She had, after all, cheered her own way through high school.

“You look like you need some rest,” Ellie said, patting her arm. “Want me to show you to your room?”

Heather shook her head and smiled at the three men walking toward them. “I think they have that covered.”

“Oh.” Ellie looked at Bradley and grinned. “You didn’t mention your sister already had friends here.”

“She does,” Allister grumbled, pointing at Gabe. “She starts out in the dorms like everyone else.”

“I know,” Gabe said, holding up a key on a lanyard while stuffing another one in his pocket.

As he walked by Allister and Bradley, her brother snatched the lanyard out of his pocket. “That means she plays by the rules and you do too.”

“Policy,” Draegan said, toting weapons across the parking lot. “And while these three are trying to figure out how to avoid policies, I could use some help here.”

Bradley dangled the key in front of Gabe. “One step ahead of you, buddy.”

“You must have a death wish.”

“No, just want everyone to enjoy playing by the rules. We had to when Ellie first arrived here, and you should do the same. Distance makes the heart grow fonder.”

“Don’t I know it.” Gabe grabbed Heather’s hand and guided her to the car. “We’ll be in the dorms if you need us.” He tossed a key at Curt. “Meet us there.”

Curt grinned. “This is where I’m supposed to tell you I’m working tonight. Right?”

“Ah, damn. I hate that.” Gabe’s eyes flickered with mischief.

“Don’t let him fool you,” Draegan said. “I picked up his shift.”

“That was nice of you,” Heather said, meaning it. She wanted to spend time with all three of them and consider her options. Her stomach fluttered and her pulse raced.

There wasn’t a lot to consider. In fact, her mind was already made up.

* * * *

They surrounded her almost immediately, an ensemble of pure wicked pleasure. Carnal intent drove them forward and they joined her on the bed as if they’d each been invited, summonsed there for a particular purpose—although at the moment, she couldn’t swear lust was the driving factor. The expressions on their faces suggested something far more desirous than lust itself lingered at the forefront of each man’s mind.

She shuddered as the excitement and energy whipped around her. Years ago, she’d wondered about this. It had then become a fantasy. She’d been very much aware of the potential promise of an event much like this. In many ways, that was why she’d gone to the Vance farm first. The excitement and anticipation had made this moment all the more satisfying.