Gabe scowled at Curt. “You won’t.”

“Then I won’t ask.” Draegan thumbed the air over his shoulder. “Think we could finish up out here so everybody can go home?”

“Detective said they had to call in a coroner. What’s that about?” Gabe asked.

Draegan frowned. “It’s not good. Dons Vance was stabbed to death.”

“Stabbed?” Apparently Curt hadn’t heard the news.

Draegan nodded. “Son of a bitch was stabbed thirty-seven times.”

“What the hell?” Justin stood then. “Allister didn’t stab him. That’s not his style.”

“Allister doesn’t carry a knife,” Draegan said.

“The brother did it?” Curt asked.

“That’s my guess, but he’s singing Allister’s name. Claims we beat them, stabbed Dons and put them in the hole.”

“We didn’t rough up Kens Vance,” Gabe said.

Justin shrugged. “Well then, your testimony should help support everyone’s story.”

“Kens is banged up,” Draeg

an said. “It doesn’t prove shit. Considering the brothers were in the same well, Dons is dead, and Kens looks like he took a beating from a few big ole guys, we’re looking at assault charges. Allister is facing murder charges.”

“What?” Justin shook his head. “No. Allister isn’t capable of murder.”

“Tell that to the detective. He’s got Allister’s name on his lips and he’s pining for him.”

“I’ll talk to the detective again,” Gabe said. “I was there. Allister didn’t have a knife.”

“Of course he didn’t, but without a murder weapon? And our stories all match, which is more suspicious than anything.”

Gabe rubbed his jaw. “How is any of this possible?”

“The only thing we can figure is Kens didn’t do it, but he isn’t talking.”

“You think Rons or Toms knew where they were all along?” Curt asked.

“It’s the only thing that makes sense.” Draegan tilted his head, acknowledging Heather when she entered the room. “Detective Brice needs to talk to you. Then, we can all get out of here.”

“Did I hear you say Dons is dead?” Heather brushed her hair over her shoulder with one sweep of her hand. “What happened?”

“He was stabbed to death. Kens is claiming Allister did it. He didn’t. None of us pulled a knife before we put them in the well.”

“Kens wouldn’t kill Dons.”

Draegan arched a brow. “Would any of the other brothers have a reason to kill him?”

“Jims, but he was with us the whole time.”

“Besides Jims?”

“Toms is the only one who would dare.”

Jims quietly approached. Tall and lanky, he towered over Draegan by five or six inches and had to bend down to clear the door and enter the bedroom. Heather gave him a loving smile and took his hands. “Jims. I’m so sorry you had to pay for my mistakes.”