“What I’d give to fuck you bare,” he whispered, staring down at their connection.

Behind them, Justin and Curt observed. They watched with masculine lust in their eyes, the kind of longing that told Gabe plenty. Curt had fucked her in the past. Justin hadn’t been so lucky. He’d had it all wrong.

He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his, kissing her lips with passion and sincerity, wanting to make promises and keep them, give her everything and spare her nothing. At the thought, he stood with her then, locking her legs around his hips and cradling her bottom as he walked to the bed.

“Gabe,” she crooned, her face twisting with uncertainty as he lowered her to the mattress, right beside Justin and Curt.

“Lie back,” he said, topping her then.

For a minute—but just a minute—Heather seemed uncertain. Fucking in front of others, particularly two former boyfriends, must’ve made her uncomfortable.

Gabe clasped her hand with his and dragged her right arm above her head, pouring into her then with every inch of control he possessed. He didn’t want to come yet, didn’t want to explode when she was stretched out before him like a beautiful goddess, a rebellious goddess, a woman who would forever own him—heart and soul, body and mind.

Justin took her other hand and laced her fingers then. She shivered with the contact and looked up at Gabe as if seeking his permission.

Gabe nipped at the fullness of her breast, his cock jutting forward as he established a good fucking rhythm. “There we go.” His voice was quiet, calm, but inside his nerve endings were burning, his heart was racing, his mind spinning.

He could’ve lost her. The Vance brothers could’ve killed her. All indications pointed to that sort of plan.

He blasted inside her then, spearing her pussy with his cock and fucking her so deep and hard that each stroke drove a weighted breath from her lungs. His name was then on her lips. Her needs and desires ricocheted around the room as she pleaded for more and bartered for the finish.


“I’m right here, baby,” he crooned, working his hips from side to side, trying to slow down the pace before he exploded inside her.

“God bless, you’ve ruined me. You’ve ruined us all.” He searched her eyes as he opened his heart.

Justin caressed her hair, dragging his fingers through her long strands. Curt, now sheathed and ready, was standing right beside him.

“Let me come.” She broke free of their grips and ran her hands up Gabe’s arms, raking her nails over his flesh and causing this incredible tingling sensation then. Her thin limbs went around his neck and she smothered his lips as she used her feet for leverage, pumping her lower body up and down as he pitched one stroke and then another and then one more.

The fucking was endless then. Their ravenous kisses sparked his insatiable appetite with an unspoken promise for unsurpassed completion.

His thighs bunched and he stilled inside her, looking into the face of the woman he’d come to recognize as his woman, his greatest love. “Come, baby.” His balls tightened and his body went still. He made love to her then, making it magical in a sense, slowing down the pace with a deliberate and far more controlled sway of his hips.

The lazy motions made him crazy with want, but that desperation made his release all the more exquisite. He felt like a teenager fucking his girl with her parents down the hall.

Quiet was sexy. Desperate and frantic loving was the new cool.

“Holy sweet mercy, you’re killing me.” Her breath fell out in spurts. Her arms tightened around him then and she temporarily forced an increased speed.

He kept that easy gait, pushing inside her an inch at a time and loving the torturous pleasure building and building.

“Ah yes!” Her body rocked. Her hips gyrated. She clawed the hell out of his arms as her pussy milked his shaft, wrapping around him with an intense orgasm. His release was explosive then. He jerked against her as his cum gushed from the tip, pooling around his rigid shaft as he pulsed inside her.

Spent, he tucked his hand under her neck and brought her lips to his, kissing her tirelessly but weakening when he realized she would soon give herself to another. Greed possessed him and he glanced at the other two, unsure if he could watch them share the woman he loved, the woman he wanted for his own.

Mashing his forehead to hers, he said, “There’s so much I need to say but I can’t find the words right now.”

“Me too.” Her naturally plump lips curved in a smile. “We’ll think of the right ones when the time is right.”

“The time is right,” he said, wishing he could push aside the unexplainable angst welling inside him. Instead, he slipped away from her and stood next to the bed. “I’m gonna love you, vixen.”

She shrugged her shoulders and pressed her upper arms against her breasts. Turning to her stomach, she kicked up her heels and smiled. “You already do.”

Chapter Seven

Justin had been raised to believe that watching porn was a sin. He’d had his share of fantasies, sure, but never anything like this. He swallowed as he watched Curt approach her. Was he really going to fuck her after watching another man take her?