“Hiding your eyes here won’t help,” Curt said, making light of the situation.

“So you won’t tell me?”

“She was fucking herself. Okay?” He looked off in the distance and wondered if he would later regret this. Was this the turning point in his relationship with Heather? “And I’m standing here asking myself if this is the kind of thing that I should keep to myself or share with a buddy? Ya know?”

Gabe turned to him then. “I’ve never kissed her. Never fucked her. Never so much as laid one inappropriate hand on her…so if you’re standing there wondering if this is a life-changing moment, a moment you’ll never be able to come back from, don’t. You were secure enough in your relationship with Heather to let me in and for that I’m grateful.”

“And that’s just it. None of us have an outright relationship with Heather and yet I walk in and see her with her fingers…” He blew out a hard breath and pushed down on his rigid cock. “Ah damn. That was just fucking hot. And now I’m going nuts here.”

“You’re not the only one.” Gabe slapped him on the back. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” Curt muttered. “I was ready to join her, but the look on her face told me everything I needed to know. She was fantasizing about you.

“She wanted and needed you, and while I could’ve easily taken advantage of that very moment, that’s not how we need to play this out. If Heather chooses one or all of us, she needs to choose and we need to let her.”

Chapter Six

“Mr. Reynolds?”

“Yes?” Gabe had made a beeline from the fence to the house. As soon as he entered, he scanned the room, and headed down the hall to the bedroom. Now this jerk was standing in front of him, apparently determined to detain him.

“I’m Detective Brice. I have some questions for you if you don’t mind.”

Something told him, he didn’t have a choice. “Now?” Gabe couldn’t believe this.

“It will only take a minute. The McCall brothers have answered most everything, but for paperwork purposes, and to sate my curiosity, a few minutes of your time?”

“Sure,” Gabe grumbled, following him to the living room and taking a seat on the sofa facing the hallway. To add insult to delay, as soon as he leaned back against the cushion, Justin and Curt passed the doorway, apparently headed to Heather’s room.

“Am I keeping you from something?”

“Nothing that won’t be there later,” Gabe said, more certain now than ever before.

Detective Brice narrowed his eyes. “How long have you known Miss Powers?”

“Four years or so,” Gabe replied, trying to overthrow that protective beast rising to the fore. “Why?” So much for the lame effort.

“In your own words, how would you sum her up?”

“How do you mean?”


“She’s kind and generous, definitely a free-spirit and adventurous.”

“Is she the kind of woman who would move to a place like this for an adventure?”

“What are you getting at Detective?”

“Answer the question.”

Gabe didn’t want to answer the damned question. “If you’re asking if she would come here of her own free will, probably, but then again, I don’t know what Heather would do. Heather’s parents wouldn’t let us date, so we remained friends at a distance.”

“How does a friendship like that work?”

“Email,” Gabe snapped.

“No physical contact?”