“We all have our problems.”

“Would you fuc

k for a fix?” he asked.

She felt her lips curve in a smile. “It would depend on the other participating party.”

In recent days, she’d thought a lot about Gabe. In fact, screwing his brains out had been at the forefront of her mind. If she ever escaped and found her way back to him, she would fuck him as soon as she found him. She might even skip the foreplay. They’d missed too many opportunities and now she had too many regrets.

“I have…fucked for a fix that is,” Jims admitted. “More than once. I’ve sold my soul, bargained with my brothers, bartered with their enemies, and made a few of my own. I had to be the chosen one because I’m the one they can do without.”

“This is crazy,” Heather snapped. “Your family will not be stronger. They will not thrive. They will not prosper. And they damn sure won’t have a lick of sense. Think about this, Jims. No offense, but you’re the only one in the bunch who can actually carry on a normal conversation.”

“Careful, Heather! You might hurt my feelings!” Rons was above them then. His brash voice shook the timber covering the hole. “We’re set for prospering here. See your brother and your lover–or maybe I should say your lovers—point is Bradley is here now and he’s with a bunch of fellas. All of ‘em friends of yours, I’m guessin’.”

“What are you talking about?” She left her position near the wall.

“Some of the McCalls, Bradley, Gabe, Justin, and Curt—the party is all here, hon! Now we’re ready for the fireworks!”

* * * *

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here.” Two or three shotguns were pumped. Draegan immediately stuck his hands up in the air and Allister followed suit. They didn’t have much of a choice, all things considered.

“I had guessed I’d soon see ya fellas. Gotta tell ya, though, I was expectin’ Heather’s brother. Had a feelin’ he’d show up here with Mark.”

“Markie?” Draegan asked, slowly turning but keeping his arms high.

“Yeah, that’s his name. Markie.”

Allister slowly faced them, too. He started to drop his arms but Dons said, “Keep ‘em where I can see ‘em.”

“Allister, meet Dons and Kens, the older Vance brothers.”

“How many of these fuckers are there?” Allister asked.

“You probably can’t count that high,” Kens said.

Dons grinned. “If I’d known you boys were comin’, I would’ve started a bonfire.”

“Wasn’t necessary,” Allister assured him. “We aren’t planning to stay for dinner.”

“Keep up the attitude and you’ll become the meal,” Kens said in a diabolical tone.

“Why are ya here?” Dons asked.

“You know why,” Draegan replied. “You yourself said you were expecting Heather’s brother. Must’ve been a reason if you were planning to see Bradley.”

The brothers looked at one another, perplexed, before Dons said, “She ain’t here.”

Allister and Draegan glanced at one another to mimic them before Allister said, “I don’t believe you.”

“And I don’t care what you believe.” Kens snarled and poked his weapon at him. “My brother told you she ain’t here and she ain’t here.”

“What’s she worth to you, Dons?” Draegan asked.

“You offering to buy her?” Dons laughed. “That ain’t your style, Draegan. Best I remember, you like to strong-arm fellas.”

Allister groaned.