“You got it,” Trevor said, clearly irritated.

“Dumbass,” Nicholas muttered. “Even I wouldn’t have done something that stupid.”

“Rub it on in, why don’t ya?” Trevor pushed away from the bar. “Well I’m glad we drove separately. I’m down for the count, fellas. If she shows, tell her hello for me.”

“We’ll do it,” Nicholas said, turning up his bottle and finishing off his fourth beer.

“I have a feeling we should both call it a night,” Harley said. “I’m not in the mood to put up with you if you’re planning to tie one on.”

“I’m probably staying here tonight,” Nicholas informed him, holding up his bottle so the bartender could see it. “I’m not much for drinking and driving.”

“Well I’m drinking and riding.” Harley pointed at Trevor. “How many have you had?”

“One. I’m good.”

Harley rose to leave then, too. Apparently Nicholas was going stag. “This is why I asked Mac to come out. I knew the two of you wouldn’t last long. Impatient bastards.”

“Love and such to you, too, asshole,” Trevor said, slapping him between the shoulder blades. “Seriously, if you’re slamming ‘em down, stay here or call for a ride.”

The bartender set a bottle in front of him. “On your tab?”

“Keep ‘em coming,” Nicholas said.

“Go easy, bud,” Harley said, slinging his leather jacket over his shoulder. “We have cattle to work tomorrow.”

“You have cattle to work. I’m off all weekend.”

“Shit.” Harley frowned. “Who’s with me tomorrow?”

Nicholas grinned. “That would be Allister and company.”

“Great. Might as well plan on working by myself until noon then.”

Nicholas tilted his beer bottle. “I’ll be dreaming of you.”

“Hope she shows,” Trevor said, slapping his back a final time.

“You’ll be my call…but not my first one.”

“I know that’s true,” Harley mumbled, probably assuming Nicholas would give Mac a buzz if the gorgeous babe showed her face.

Truth told, Nicholas would like to put that to the test. He was a friend, a best friend, but

not friend enough to dial their numbers. He wanted some one-on-one time with a sexy little kitten who was a hellcat in bed. Fact of the matter was, he’d never been with a woman like her. She’d left him groveling for sex like a young stud barely out of his teens.

Trevor and Harley left and Nicholas downed another beer and then one more. He’d just started for the men’s room when he caught a glimpse of Sable.

Every head in the room must’ve turned when she walked inside that dimly lit room. For a second, Nicholas stood there and gawked, too.

From her skintight skirt to her too-low breast-cuddling shirt, she was dressed to impress and she’d succeeded there. Once his breathing returned to a normal rate and he quit salivating like a dog in heat, he would approach the fox.

Then what, he mused. Act like a real hound?


He must’ve been out of his ever-loving mind. What kind of man went looking for a woman after one night of sex—good sex, he reminded himself—but just sex all the same.

He tried to reason with himself before he darted across the bar and took her hand but before he could do something sensible like grab hold of his emotions, that wild and crazy male rose to the fore with ambition and determination.