“She didn’t know him.”

Mac crossed his arms and studied Nicholas. “How do you know?”

“I asked.”

“Possessive much?” Mac shook his head. “Boy’s got it bad over here, fellas.”

“I’m not denying it.” Nicholas shrugged. “She’s hot.”

“No argument there,” Mac said. “She also dropped ‘em in less than six hours for five guys. I’d say she’s anything but the keepin’ kind.”

“I didn’t say I wanted to keep her, but I won’t deny I want to see her again.”

The room fell quiet. Harley quickly finished dressing. He didn’t want any part in this. They’d had a fling with a sexy woman. They’d enjoyed her. They’d fucked like champions, kissed and pampered her like they should, and sent her on her merry little way. As Mac had so eloquently said, that’s it and that’s all.

Only for some reason, Harley wasn’t sure he really felt that way. As he placed some distance between himself and the guys, he became aware of the silence there in the room. What was filled with laughter and joy only hours before was now more or less a depressing hotel suite with upscale furnishings and the stench of booze.

The only reminders of the night before were the tangled sheets and the faint smell of her perfume in the air. And the perfume became a real problem. By the time he had made his way to his Jeep, he was pretty sure Sable had made a lasting impression. The subtle hints of lilac and jasmine were in his senses and he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever see her again.

He gripped the steering wheel and stared up at the fifteenth floor. Mac leapt over the passenger’s door and grabbed his seatbelt. “Ready when you are.”

Harley narrowed his gaze, lost in his memories and only slightly aware of his brother beside him. “I wonder why she didn’t leave a number.”

“Are you askin’ or just mutterin’?”

“Asking, smartass.” He yanked his belt across his chest and lap.

“All right.” Mac turned his head. “I’ll answer that for ya. She was probably married, Harley.”

“Married?” He hadn’t thought of such a crime. “What do you mean, married?”

“She had a white ring around the third finger on her left hand, suggesting she had taken off her wedding ring before she went in the bar last night.”

“Well, Sherlock, I might buy that as a possibility if that were the only white ring but she also had two on her right hand, middle, and third fingers. And I didn’t see any jewelry at all suggesting she may have just forgotten to put it on. Ever think of that?”

“No, little brother, I hadn’t given it much thought.”

Harley threw the Jeep in reverse, tugged his sunglasses away from the visor, and situated them over his eyes. “I think she liked me best.” He looked at Mac. “Just sayin’.”

“Yeah but she liked fuckin’ me better than any of ya.” He slapped Harley’s shoulder. “Just sayin’.”

Harley sniffed. He was afraid Mac might have been right there. After a few rounds of group sex, Mac had been the one to take her to the shower. He’d also taken her to the tub in the wee hours of the morning and they’d fucked a couple of times on the bed while the others had dozed off.

“How many times did you screw her?” Harley wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“Ask Nicholas,” Mac replied, leaning back with his hands clasped behind his head. “The sorry son-of-bitch waited for her to finish with me and then wore her little ass out all night long.”

* * * *

12 hours later on that same Saturday

“She’s a no-show.” Nicholas nursed his beer and his feelings. He had been certain she’d make an appearance.

“Mac was right,” Harley said. “Even if she were interested, she probably wouldn’t come back here tonight.”

Trevor yawned. “I should’ve stayed home. I traded my third shift with Draegan and you know how that goes.”

“You picked up his three for your one?” Nicholas asked.