Like it or not, they’d soon share Sable again. And something told Harley that one more time wouldn’t be enough. One more time wouldn’t whet their whistles any more than the first time had cooled that ache or soothed the slow burn.

Sable came apart in his arms then and as he hammered on, fucking her like a wild man, he couldn’t help but wonder. Was this it for them? Was Sable the have-all, end all?

God he hoped not. The last thing Harley wanted was to wake up in the same shared bed with a bunch of his buddies.

Chapter Two

Six hours later

“This is worse than I thought.” Harley sat straight up in the king-sized bed and immediately noticed the other naked male bodies. “Fuck my life.”

“Tell me about it,” Mac said, fixing a seltzer water. He swirled the liquid thoughtfully and then turned it up and drank. “Ah.” He slammed the glass to the bar and shook his head. “Much better.”

“Have you been drinking all night?” Nicholas asked, leaving the bed and searching the room as if he were looking for something—or someone—in particular.

“Trying to locate your underwear or the woman who stripped ‘em off of ya?” Mac laughed, lifted his glass, drank again, and added, “Woman bailed. It’s just us guys now.”

“Great,” Harley grumbled, falling against the stack of pillows behind him.

“What’s the matter with you little brother?”

Harley stared at the ceiling. “If you must know, I was afraid something like this would happen.”

“What’s that?” Doc muttered, his face still buried in the mattress.

“I’d wake up with a bunch of guys. Given Trouble’s history—and ours—I have cause

to worry over situations like these.”

“You worry over everything,” Doc pointed out, groaning as he pulled himself up. “And it’s not a problem waking up with a bed full of buddies if the little woman is still around to share.”

“Well she’s not,” Mac reminded them.

“And in that case, I’m hitting the shower and heading home.” Doc disappeared in the bathroom.

Nicholas grabbed his jeans and hurriedly dressed. “Maybe I can catch her downstairs.”

“What for?” Mac snickered. “You want to get her phone number so we can all call her and ask her out on a date?”

“Yeah, Mac. Something like that.” Nicholas shoved his wallet in his back pocket.

“Save yourself the trouble,” Trevor said, rising from the sofa. “She left about six this morning.”

“Six?” Mac nursed his water then. “That early?”

“Why didn’t you stop her?” Nicholas asked.

Mac shook his head. “For the love of God, man. Quit acting like a hurt pup. She was our one-night stand. That’s it and that’s all.”

“Really?” Nicholas marched across the room. “That’s it, huh?”

“Yeah. Pretty much.” Mac raked his keys and some spare change off the counter. When no one said anything, he looked around the room. “What?”

“You’re an ass,” Nicholas said.

“And you’re not?” Trevor grunted. “This is a first. Alpha one and two face off and two is about to leave the room with tears in his eyes because his chosen mate got away.”

“Spare us the theatrics, Trevor.” Harley decided it was time to go. He’d shower at home. By the time Doc finished up in the bathroom, it would be well past check-out time. “Check with the bartender, Nicholas. She was pretty friendly with him.”