“Whatever it is, Sable, it’s not important.” He cupped her face with his hand and left a gentle kiss on her lips. “We don’t want to know about your past and not because we don’t care, but because life is too short to live with regrets.”

“Don’t I know it,” Draegan said, dropping to the ground next to them.

“Thought you were taking off tonight,” Harley said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “You didn’t have a date off property. Did you?”

“No.” Draegan stared across the fire before he looked up at Mac and Nicholas. “Do you know what that rascal did?”

“Who?” Mac asked, turning his immediate attention to Markie and Serena. “You talkin’ about Markie?”

“None other,” Draegan muttered. “Son-of-a-gun told Serena they needed to talk and then he stepped into his theatrical mode and you can guess at the kind of nonsense he’s been telling her.”

As if Serena knew he was talking about her, she waved when he looked her way. Markie waved, too, working his fingers in a mocking gesture.

“I’m gonna kill him.” Draegan stood up and dusted off the seat of his breeches. “I swear. If he fucks this up, I’m gonna kill him.”

“Fucks up what?” Mac asked.

“Your brother—our brother—is sweet on Serena.”

Mac laughed. “Don’t worry. That won’t last.”

Harley shrugged. “It might. He’s pretty smitten.”

“Yeah, but Draegan likes team contact and as far as I know, he’s never had a woman in his bed alone.”

“So what are you trying to say?” Sable cocked her head and smiled up at him. “Are you saying she’s not that kind of girl?”

“That’s exactly what I’m—”

“Wait a second,” Harley interrupted him. “Better tread softly here, big brother.”

Mac rested his hand on her shoulder. “I’m saying she’s not a handful like our woman. It takes five of us to keep this one in line.”

“You think so, do you?”

“Without question,” Mac said, pulling her to him and swinging her around and around until they were dancing by the bonfire.

“I love you, ya know.”

Mac winked. “Am I the first one you’ve told?”

She squinted. “Why?”

His lips shrugged right along with his shoulders. “Just curious. That’s all.”

“You’re gonna use this against the others. Aren’t you?”

“Nope.” He cupped her hand in his and spun her around the blazing fire, moving his hand under her shirt but keeping it at the small of her back.

“Is that all you’ve got for me, cowboy?” She grinned. “Just a question?”

Mac stopped moving and tilted her chin to his. “I love you. I’ve probably loved you from the first day I saw you.” He tilted his head at the others. “And you already know the others are crazy about you.”

“What about my past, Mac?”

“Have you killed anyone?”