“Then why don’t you explain this to me, because you’ve known her for what, two or three weeks? Spent all of six or eight hours with her and now you’re ready to shack up with her, move her straight into the couple housing and skip the dorms?” His eyes were full of rage. His clenched fists hung at his sides. “The reason we process new residents through the dorms is because it is the most protected housing area in Trouble!”

“She’ll be safer with me.” Nicholas wasn’t budging. They’d either do this his way or he would leave with Sable. He was pretty confident Mac and the others felt the same way.

Allister, apparently under the impression he’d get more out of Draegan, turned to his brother again. “What if this were Serena we were talking about here?”


“You mean you don’t know about the cute little honey who works down at the café?” Markie sashayed across the room and fell dramatically to the sofa. “Don’t tell me this is news to you. Draegan stays away from the place unless Serena is working. If she’s on the clock? He eats three meals a day there. Snacks, too.”

“Markie, if you don’t mind…”

“Of course I don’t, Allister doll. I’ll share him if I must.”

“Fuck,” Allister grumbled, throwing up his hands. “Now look what we have to put up with!” He paced a few steps and then added, “It’s not happening. The women are processed and then they go to the dorms. That is protocol and we aren’t breaking the rules for Sable or anyone else. End of story.”

“And why is that?” Nicholas asked. “Because your woman followed a set path, you want Sable to do the same?”

“No!” Allister bellowed. “It’s for her safety. Besides, you guys don’t even know her that well. You don’t know if you want to start a relationship with her. You haven’t even known her for a month and already you think you care about her enough to live with her? That’s insane.”

“Why?” Markie sat up and drew his knees to his chest. Resting his chin on his legs, he said, “Happens all the time between gay men. Haven’t you ever read any of the articles on modern day relationships? You hookup. You move in together. And then you have your first date.”

Allister snarled. “Markie. Butt out!”

“They’re adults, Allister darlin’. They ain’t kids playin’ house.”

“I’m not discussing this while Markie is here throwing in his two cents. You’ll see.” Allister pointed at Nicholas. “You’ll wish you’d listened to me.” He then marched out of the office.

Markie turned his head to Draegan. “It’s a good idea.”

Draegan sniffed. He hated to act like he was taking Markie’s advice, but more than likely he’d soon see things Nicholas’s way simply because Markie had supported this decision.

“You don’t even know what we’re talking about,” Draegan said.

“Yes I do. I was standing out in the hall talking to Doc and Ryan about the body count—and we had the bodies, I tell ya—and I heard Allister whining about Nicholas here wanting to take Sable to the cottages. I think it’s a splendid idea.”

Draegan squinted. “Why?”

“Because, Drae. We aren’t dealing with Magnum P.I. here. When the McCoys and their boys come, they’ll head straight for the dorms.”

“Assuming they can get behind the gates,” Draegan pointed out.

“Right. Assuming they can do that, of course.” Markie paused, rolled his eyes, and continued with, “They’ll be prepared and they’ll go where they think we’re holding the newest residents. If it were up to me, I’d move all the current dorm residents to the back of the property.”

“They’d have to bunk with some of the guys.”

“Every cottage on the back line has a spare bedroom or two,” Markie reminded him.

Draegan released a hard breath. “What do you think about that?”

Nicholas shrugged. “Wouldn’t hurt.”

“Of course it wouldn’t,” Markie drawled. “My ideas are generally spot-on. Ask anyone.”

Nicholas snorted at that. “After seeing the way you work your way around a weapon, I don’t think anyone would go up against you tonight.”

“You think that’s special, sugar, you should see how I work my way around cock. Now that’s a sight to behold.”

* * * *