“Don’t fret,” Markie said, silently cursing his queasy gut. “We’re evenly matched here. See these guys? They ain’t afraid of much. Now that we have that out of the way, why don’t you go ahead and tell the boys here about your ex’s family. That way we can walk outta here and know who and what we’re facing. Sound fair to you?”

“It sounds fair, but it doesn’t mean it will be. McCoys don’t fight fairly in these parts. In case you haven’t heard, they have legendary family all over the world and worse than that are their current affiliations.”

Markie leveled his gaze on one McCall then the other. He finally settled on the outsider, the one most likely to tell him the truth. “What kind of affiliations is she talkin’ about, Ryan?”


“None of that’s important,” Draegan spoke up. Brothers exchanged quick glances. Markie and Draegan had been best friends long enough for Markie to translate with ease. Whatever was waiting beyond Sable’s room wasn’t exactly the kind of trouble they’d faced in the past.

“What if I say it is?” Markie stood. He glared at his friends and then the girl. “Who is she really?”

> “I guess she can answer that better than we can,” Allister said.

“Well?” Given the expression on her face, Markie expected her to up and say she had committed all sorts of crimes.

“I’m Tabor McCoy’s daughter-in-law.”

“Well how ‘bout that.” He swallowed down a good dose of real fear. He’d been half-right anyway. If this had been the Wild, Wild West, her daddy-in-law’s picture would’ve been on all sorts of posters, the kind that read, Wanted Dead or Alive.

Chapter Nine

Trouble, Tennessee’s founding fathers followed a set of predetermined bylaws. Those guidelines and rules were in place for a reason—to protect the innocent and keep the current occupants safe when bringing in a new resident.

From the moment Harley McCall had received his brother Allister’s 9-1-1, he’d assumed the worst. This wasn’t a normal transfer and it wouldn’t go down the way his brother had said no matter how much optimism was behind the planning.

This transfer was a dangerous one and considering the transport would roll through Trouble’s gates in about five minutes, it wasn’t the ideal time to question logistics. Harley eyed the men at his right and then turned to his left. Each man’s body language told the right tales.

This was an impossible situation and blood would be shed there if one finger twitched on a trigger.

“Thank God Markie isn’t here,” Nicholas said, joining the rest of them.

“You ain’t lying,” Mac agreed, catching a rifle Trevor tossed his way. After he checked the sights, Mac asked, “Anybody ask questions about the woman? Anyone know anything about her?”

“If you’re asking about her appearance at a time like this, let me make a suggestion. Sometime when you’re free, go target practicing with Markie.” Nicholas shook his head. “You’re unbelievable, McCall. Fucking unbelievable.”

“I didn’t ask about the gal’s sex appeal, asshole.” Mac glared at Nicholas. “Besides, my head is already someplace else.”

Trevor, Harley, and Doc stopped the casual chitchat and focused on Mac. Harley halfway expected Mac to make a deeper confession of sorts. Instead, his defensive mechanisms kicked in and he bit out, “We need to focus on what’s heading our way. The past isn’t going to change for us now. The future is what we make of it.”

“So you’re ready to move on, in other words?” Now Doc was taunting him.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Right,” Nicholas grumbled.

Harley said, “Guess out of sight, out of mind, holds true after all.”

“Speak for yourself,” Mac said. A beat later, he added, “You tellin’ me you aren’t the least bit curious about this newcomer? Woman is married to a mobster’s son, married him when she was a minor, separated for two or three years while she tried unsuccessfully to divorce him, and now we know nothing more about her and you’re okay with that?”

“I’ve already decided she’s downright dangerous,” Harley said. “Ryan and Allister found out plenty when they ran background checks on her known aliases. According to what Allister said anyone with half a brain would know enough to stay the hell away from her.”

“You saying they didn’t want to bring her here?” Nicholas frowned. “Is that what you’re saying?”

Harley had read between the lines. Allister had been evasive when he’d called. “I don’t think they want her here.”

“Since when do we turn down a woman in need?” Mac asked.

“Since when does a mobster’s daughter have a need that’s not met?” Harley fired right back.