With tongs in one hand and a glass in the other, he haphazardly filled his tumbler and hers. A few splashes of liquor in the glasses and they soon toasted one another, but she couldn’t remember what he’d said. She was already in that zone, that need factor playing a part in every move she made.

He took her hand in his and led her to the circular-style leather sofa. As soon as he sat down, he pulled her on top of him, helping her straddle him.

The hazy look of alcohol-fueled eyes made her believe she could easily take control of the situation. He’d apparently had a little too much to drink prior to her arrival there, but she didn’t mind. She could take him drunk at this point. They were consenting adults and he had picked her up the first night without the first drop of alcohol in his system. Plus, he’d returned there for her. He’d paid for the suite.

Now, she needed to steer him, keep his mind occupied so he wouldn’t ask about Tony’s men again. And she needed to push aside the guilt. Maybe if she’d gone to Trouble in the beginning, things would’ve worked out exactly like this anyway. She’d chosen another route and she’d captured the attention of several founding fathers, one for sure.

Now she would play her hand out and hope for the best.

“Kiss me.” He moistened his lips and tilted his head back, luring her closer, seducing her.

She seated herself on his bulging cock, rubbing her center against his erection as she leaned forward and lightly kissed his mouth. “Better?”

His lips quirked and his eyes flickered with pure male confidence. “You think you’ve won.”


She understood what he meant.

He bracketed his arm around her waist and dragged her forward. With his chest mashed against hers, she could feel his strength, the magnitude of his longing. “Who were they, Sable?”

She leaned in for another kiss but he pulled back. This time, he flipped her over and she was on her back flat against the sofa before she knew what hit her. He clasped her hands and thrust her arms over her head, but he wasn’t necessarily rough with her. In fact, his expression softened.

“We can do this the easy way,” he whispered, biting at her lace bra. “Or we can take all night and do it the hard way.”

“Sounds fun,” she said playfully.

“Sounds like torture but I can handle it.”

“Go for it.” She wasn’t giving up the goods. She’d come too far to blow it now.

He rubbed his cock against her center. “Who were the men?”

“How would I know?”

“Oh, you know them, lover.” He thrust against her and her pussy lips flared underneath her panties. Her mouth fell open and she damned the whimper that fell from her lips.

He was right. This could turn into real torture.

“Why were they looking for you?”

“Did I say they were looking for me?” She stretched her neck and stole a kiss from his dimpled chin. “I don’t remember saying anything like that.”

“You will tell me,” he assured her, dipping lower. He released her arms and trailed her stomach, leaving kisses along her abdomen.

She arched underneath him. Her breath caught in her chest and she buried her fingers in his thick short hair. She wanted him. God help her. She wanted him to the extent that she could almost start spilling her truths. Then again, she’d come too far. She had too much to lose now and if anyone could practice forced restraint, Sable could.

“Sable.” A wicked smile spread across his lips. “Let’s chat, lover.”

“I can’t.”

“You can and you will or the word lust will have a whole new definition by the time we’re through here.”

“And like I said…”

His head went between her thighs and his tongue rested against the center of her panties. She swallowed and tried like hell to gain some measure of sense about herself. Oh she could stand a lot of torment, intimate torture, but the promise of great oral sex? She shot forward, coming to a half-seated position. “Don’t do this.”

“Why?” He slapped her pussy!