“Oh for the love of God,” Daisy said, yanking her arm free and rolling her eyes. “Trust me, Marshal. That’s not what interests me about the desk.”

“Well of course it is. Women have a particular fondness for out and outer experiences.”

“Frank?” Daisy tapped her foot and tilted her head at the desk.

“What?” Grant’s gaze hopped between Frank and Daisy. “The two of ya know each other?”

Frank pressed the gun a little tighter against Grant’s head. Through gritted teeth, he said, “You picked the right whore at the wrong time. As for her hitting pay dirt, you are right on the money there, son.”

“I…I don’t understand.”

Frank tilted his head at Daisy. “Go on. Help yourself, Daisy. You deserve a premium wage after today.”

Daisy gathered up her skirts and scooped the coins in the layered material. “You won’t ask me twice.”

“Just ya wait there a minute ya chiselin’ whore! That’s every last cent I have to my name!”

“That’s okay, sugar. Don’t you fret.” Daisy patted his arm in passing. “Where you’re going, you won’t need any money. Maybe you should take a better look at who’s holdin’ that gun to your head. He resembles the one who has a bounty on his, a bounty you placed there. I’m guessin’ he’s not too happy about that.”

Chapter Four

“For the better part of the last six months, I’ve tried to figure out what made you into such a bitter person. All I can figure is you had big ideas for Carla.”

“Troubles between me and you run a little deeper than your woman’s pussy,” Grant said.

Jock took a sudden leap. “Why you lowdown…”

“Then what was the problem?” Frank asked, slinging his arm against Jock’s middle to ward off a fight.

“One warning is all you get, Grant,” Jock said, the fury tightly strewn through every last word.

“Have a seat there, Grant.” Frank pointed at the chair behind the desk and took a step backward, making sure he kept his gun trained on Grant’s chest.

“Don’t mind if I do.” He claimed his spot.

“Answer the question. Why were our personal affairs your business?”

“You and Jock here pirootin’ around with the same woman. At the same time!”

“And that concerned you…why?” Frank asked, frowning.

“It ain’t right.”

Jock snorted. “But consorting with whores is a different story?”

“I didn’t consort with no whore!” Grant bellowed. “She’s a blasted thief!”

“I didn’t see a thief here,” Jock said. “Did you, Frank?”

“Nope. I did not. In fact, I even heard our friend here propose marriage.”

Jock played along. “He did indeed.”

“Marriage?” Grant gulped. “That damning word ain’t never fell from these lips. I’ll promise ya that.”

“It just did,” Frank said, thumbing the air behind him and loving the opportunity unfolding before them. He’d relay silent messages to the pack and tell them to send Heck to Laramie. He had a task in mind for him. “Do me a favor, Jock. Fetch Daisy when she comes out of the bank across the street.”

“How’d ya know she was—” Grant stopped blabbing. “Ya set this up.”