Jock reappeared on the porch. “I take it you want to make that happen tonight?”

“Within the next couple of hours,” Frank said, gauging the werebears’ progress.

“I’ll make it happen,” Jock promised, pivoting to the left and phasing at the same time.

“I take it he liked your idea,” Heck said.

“There’s more than one way to kill a man,” Frank said, quoting one of Jock’s favorite sayings.

The werebears turned simultaneously and Frank wondered if they had any idea what he had in mind. “You boys want something to drink?”

“Yes, we’d be mighty obliged,” Gage said.


Heck shook his head. “No way. They killed some of our pack. I don’t buy into that nonsense of kill ’em with kindness.”

Gage brushed his forehead with his forearm. “Just a drink. That’s not too much to ask.”

“Just a life. Was that too much to ask?” Heck’s nostrils flared. “Apparently several lives were more than you could spare.”

* * * *

“Ah shit!” Grant yelled, slapping his palm to his head. “Not you again. Just ’cause I warned ya about the werebears, don’t ’cha go off and think me and you are now back on good terms. I ain’t wantin’ to come back to the pack.” He waved his arm and shooed him away. “I mean it, Jock. Go boil your shirt or somethin’.”

“Considering I’m not wearing one, that’s probably not going to happen tonight,” Jock said, leaning back in the good marshal’s chair with his hands clasped behind his head. “You been across the street at the saloon tonight?”

“How’s that yer business?”

“Well you see, Grant, I have a problem and you’re going to help me resolve it.”

“I am.”

“Yep. You are.”

“I knew it! I knew it! From the very damned second I gave ya that warning, I said to myself, ‘Grant, ’ole boy. Ya watch and see. Jock’ll be back lookin’ for favors. Now that you’re the only lawman around, he’ll be thinkin’ it’s time to go the big figure’ and sure enough, here ya sit.”

“You owe me.”

“I don’t owe ya a blame thing.”

“Oh yes you do.” Jock rose to an upright position and reached under Grant’s desk. Retrieving the weapon he’d spotted when he’d first leaned back in Grant’s chair, he quickly added, “And Grant, this is one time, I’m not askin’.” He aimed Grant’s pistol at his chest.

“So now yer gonna shoot me with my own blasted gun?”

“I don’t want to shoot you, Grant. I want you to go gather up those bounty hunters in that saloon. Tell them you made a mistake. The men you were after were werebears. They killed men, women, and children out in WolfDen.”

“You’re shittin’ me.”

“No.” Jock deadpanned. “But the blood in our fields is on your hands. As marshal, you’re expected to ride out tonight and make this right. If you don’t, I’ll be back tomorrow. When I ride into town, there won’t be any two ways about it. You’ll know why I’m here and my face will be the last one you ever see.

“And something else you might want to consider, too. Frank had every intention of marrying you off to Daisy and then making her a widow. If you prefer his way to mine, then I’ll go fetch Frank.”

“No need in all that,” Grant hurriedly said. “I’ll get the boys.”

“We’ll be expecting you within the hour.” Before Grant could say another word, Jock shifted into his wolf form and ran back to his home in the prairie.

Chapter Fifteen