Frank stood erect behind her. Glancing down at his outstretched penis, he was tempted to give her another lashing as she’d requested, but in that moment, he owed himself more. While he wanted to please his mate and he was desperate to turn her on, there was another lesson to be taught, a valuable example to set.

Positioning Carla’s hips in front of his rigid length, Frank clutched her sides and bypassed the puckered entrance he’d meant to claim. He lifted his gaze to the small window above the bed. In the back of his mind, he was certain he heard a whimper then. That stifled cry had come from the small gray and white wolf standing on the ridge.

Frank felt a small tug at his lips as he slammed into his mate, claiming the space that was his to take and his to own. “You belong to me, Carla.” He lifted his arm above his head and pulled out enough so he could deliver a hard swat to her bottom before entering her again.

She whimpered with the strike and moaned as he entered her once more. Then, just as he’d suspected, she

rocked against him, moaning and begging, pleading for satisfaction as she squeezed him with her pussy, bearing down on the width of his cock as she struggled for release.

“Not yet, Carla.” He grunted as he fucked her, working his hips into a hell of a grind. And when his cock was worn and his balls were strained, that’s when he shoved his shaft one inch higher and held as still as a man possibly could. “Come, Carla. Go on now, love. Show the one watching why you enjoy me.”

She dropped her head and whined, undoubtedly aware then of the audience spying on them. Still, she couldn’t resist. Her mate lust was more than she could deny.

Carla threw her hips back and jerked her body forward. She slammed against him once, twice, and then a final time. When she screamed out her release, an ear-piercing howl rang out over the prairie, and Frank knew then that the beta male who had served him at his flank had inevitably fallen in love with the woman now wilting away in his arms.

Chapter Eight

Jock had detected the eyes on the hill right as he’d entered the cabin and caught a glimpse of Carla and Frank fucking. Instead of mounting Old Dolly again, he phased into his wolf form and raced to the ridge. Once there, he shifted again, determined to discuss the Carla situation man-to-man.

“Shift,” he ordered Heck.

The gray and white wolf slowly turned and bared his teeth. He blew out a hard breath in defiance, but Jock stood his ground.

“Now, Heck.”

Stubborn as hell, Heck took another moment or two before he finally assumed his human form and slumped to the ground. Drawing his knees to his chest, he stared out over the prairie. “She belongs to me, too.”

“I think you may be right.”

Apparently startled by his reply, he whipped his head around and glared at Jock. “If you knew, why didn’t you say something?”

“It’s not my place.”

“The hell it ain’t!” He rose to his feet and marched from one side of the peak to the other, stomping out a fit of rage.

“When you’re done there, let me know and we’ll sit for a bit and talk about this.”

Minutes passed but Jock waited him out. Finally, Heck conceded. He reclaimed a seat in the high grass and Jock sat beside him.

“Want to tell me about it?”

“What’s to tell?”

“When did you know?” Jock asked.

“Maybe I’ve always known. Maybe the reason I didn’t want to accept you as one of her mates had more to do with Carla than the joining of two packs.”

“You never said anything about either one to me. I’m guessing you didn’t mention it to Frank.”

Heck snarled. “Oh, he knew. He just chose to look the other way.”

“I don’t think he did,” Jock said, defending Frank.

Since he and Frank had taken Carla as their shared mate, they’d become more like brothers. They lived together and somehow the three of them had made their unusual relationship work.

“He can hear my thoughts, sense my emotions.” Heck’s shoulders slumped. “He looked the other way because he’s too selfish to share.”

Jock laughed. “I might go along with that if I hadn’t been on the other side of Carla in many intimate situations.”