“So tart, but sweet,” Frank said, clearly experienced in seducing a woman, particularly Carla, who seemed to anxiously await his next move.

“Tell me, woman. If you had one wish, right now, what would it be?”

“I want you and Jock to fuck me.”

“Where have you heard such language?” Jock asked, readjusting his stretching length by rubbing his hand over his crotch.

“Frank taught me everything I know. Now, I can’t wait to teach you.”

Chapter Nine

The wax was peeled. The leather riding crop had been placed on the blanket. Since Frank hadn’t returned it to the corner with her other playthings, Carla could only assume he planned to use the crop again in the near future.

Jock stood to her right. Frank lurked a few feet from her left, cradling the small stone he would soon slip inside her bottom.

Her insides had begun to quiver as her body quaked with tremendous sexual frustration. And to make matters worse, Jock fondled himself as he watched her.

“Take off your breeches, Sir.”

Frank inched closer. He stuffed his fingers inside her vagina and twirled them as he reached higher inside her channel.

Her heavy moans filled the air and she rocked her body to and fro. “Frank.”

“Miss?” he teased, pushing the weight of his hand against her mound.

“Ah, Frank,” she whispered. “Tell me I can come.”

Jock arched a brow. Without missing an opportunity, he asked, “Why would you wait for him to tell you?”

“I…I want to…come…when it pleases…him.”

Jock cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. Lowering his lips to hers, he said, “It pleases me. Come, love. Come for us. Show us how pretty you look when you’re latching onto pleasure.”

Her body tingled. Her toes nearly curled. Her body milked the fingers plunging inside her and she clenched and closed around the firm digits, wanting to set herself free, feeling trapped between Frank’s expectations and Jock’s permission.

“Can I, Sir?”

“You only need permission from one,” Frank told her, bending from the waist and reaching for his crop.

His fingers never left her as he gave her a tremendous manual fuck. And right when her orgasm took hold, Frank slammed his hand against her mound and slapped her over and over again with that damning riding crop.

“Easy!” Jock yelled, turning his head sideways and shooting Frank a meaningful glare.

“She loves it,” Frank assured him, plunging inside her pussy as her body went into violent spasms.

“Frank!” Her head jerked from side to side as her body responded to his fingers, closing around them, pulling them higher and higher as she stood on her tiptoes and thrust her hips forward.

“Yes, lover?”

“Eat my pussy,” she rasped, her breaths coming in short spurts as one orgasm subsided and another rolled forward.

Frank dropped to his knees. His hot breath stimulated the hidden pearl between her legs as his teeth tantalized the hard point, drawing the bead between his lips and sucking.

At the same time, his free hand jerked. From front to back he coated her with her warm moisture. Another climax was close, too close, and she squirmed as she fought, determined to resist the need to come without Frank’s permission, without his words guiding her, coaxing her forward.

Jock watched as if he couldn’t stand the suspense. His eyes widened. His jaw tensed. He locked his top teeth over his lip and released a sudden masculine growl.

Based on Frank’s expression alone, she knew what Frank held in store. Only he surprised her by kicking up the heat level once more.