“Fuck. This is ridiculous. Lying here hurting for a woman and can’t even pick up the damned phone and call her.” He played with his cock then, slowly moving his hand up and down as he fiddled with his cell phone once more.

About that time her phone buzzed behind her. She held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut realizing her indecision would now cost her.

“What the hell?” The click-click sound of the lamp being turned on filled the room and she slowly opened her eyes, acknowledging the flickering dim light.

“Well look what we have here.” Zak turned, threw his arm over her waist, and grinned like he hadn’t seen her in a year.

“Hiya, baby,” she crooned, trying her best not to look at his cock, even though the outline of his long shaft had already driven her to the brink of excitement. The moonlight shining through his bedroom window and skylight had provided enough illumination to let her see the man she wanted, the man she’d yet to have.

“Hi yourself,” he whispered, leaning in for a quick kiss. “Want to tell me what you’re doing here?”

That was simple enough. She wanted him. She’d longed for him in a way that didn’t make any normal sense, but she’d kept her distance, kept their bodies out of the equation for a variety of reasons, none of which mattered at all now, especially now when she was looking at a godlike creature who in turn looked about as confused as she often felt.

The tip of his tongue settled at the corner of his mouth. “If I’d known I had an audience, I would’ve put on a show.” He flipped over to his side and flattened his hand on her stomach, rubbing and pinching the soft pink—and nearly transparent—sleeveless nightgown she wore.

“You knew I was here,” she accused, trying not to check out his bare chest, those delectable abs, and the steely hard member pressing against her leg and practically poking through the cotton sheet covering her. “You had to have known.”

“Why? Because I was sitting on my bed jacking off and thinking of you?” He smiled. “No, Drina. I do that every night.”

“You do?”

Instead of answering her, he tilted her chin to his and swept in for a kiss, his hand now harder against her stomach as he slipped the material up to her breasts. His head never dipped lower. Instead, he deepened the kiss, pressing against her until her hand throbbed to touch him, her fingers ached to stretch around his size, to lock around his width and cop a real nice feel.

She rolled over and faced him then. Her short breaths embarrassed her and made her feel as if she had no measure of control.

“Touch me, baby. Just touch,” he crooned, placing her hand on his chest. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

“But I’ve seen you now.”

“So?” His wicked grin was telling. He had to have known what she was thinking. He must’ve known what she was implying, too.

“So what if I can’t resist you now?”

“Oh I think you can, Drina,” he whispered, dragging her hand down his belly and leaving her fingers several inches from his cock. “I think you’ve been able to resist me this long and from what I can tell, you had big plans of resisting me for a little longer. What do you say you keep doing just that until I make an honest woman out of ya?”

Chapter Three

Cartwell Farm, Fletcher, North Carolina

Kane Cartwell lounged on the recliner in the far corner of the master suite he shared with his gorgeous wife Peyton. He watched as his brothers, Evan and Braden, helped Peyton to her knees. Glorious and naked, Peyton was as perfect as the day he’d first met her and he loved her more with each passing hour—even when she was defiant as all hell.

“Don’t look at me, Kane Cartwell,” she snapped, glaring at him as if she’d never been quite so angry. “I’ve put up with you for all these years and this is the thanks I get? You punish me by leaving me here in this room with a…a…”

“Come on now, doll, you can do better than that. You know what I had stuffed between your pretty puckered folds and you know why.”

“Argh! You frustrate the hell out of me!” Her blonde hair flung in her face when she bowed her head, and of course Braden brushed her locks away from her eyes. He was always the careful one, the lover she counted on when she wanted a slow hand, an easy lover’s touch.

Kane rolled his tongue over his bottom lip, admiring his wife’s curves. Yes indeed. Peyton was still as beautiful as the day she’d first come to live with them.

“And stop giving me the ‘you’re fucked’ look. It isn’t happening today. Do you hear me, Kane? I am not at all attracted to you at this moment.”

He laughed. She still possessed that spunk, too.

“This isn’t a bit funny,” she said, yanking her arm down when Evan freed her right limb.

“Don’t ruin the fun for everyone just because you’re pissed at me.”

“Pissed?” She balked at that. “I’m beyond pissed, you arrogant asshole!” She took a few deep breaths and then pivoted to her left, shooting Braden a very pointed glare. “And you? I expected more from you. The least you could’ve done was maybe notice I wasn’t around. Would it have been too much to ask for you to take a minute out of your busy day to check on me?”