“The McDowells or just Scott?”

“Does it matter?”

“Not to me,” he said frankly. “I can sort of see where you had a hard time dealing with what we walked in and saw if things didn’t go well with you and the McDowells in a similar situation.”

“Are you suggesting I would let men use me up like that?”

Hales couldn’t win here and the last thing he needed to do was provoke Gemma. She clearly needed a friend and he wanted to be her friend. Truth be told, he wanted to be more than her friend but he’d also been warned by his brothers as well as by several of Scott McDowell’s closest friends. Gemma belonged to the McDowells and they weren’t interested in sharing her with a Blazier.

Hales sniffed. “Game on.”

“What?” Gemma lifted a brow.

He touched her face and admired those high delicate cheekbones and her slender nose and thin lips. She looked like a fashion runway model and while she didn’t have those full curves like her sisters, Hales thought she was perfect, gorgeous in fact.

“I was told to stay away from you and I said ‘game on’ and meant it.” He brushed his knuckles across her cheek and lowered his head to hers. Before he took the kiss he wanted, he asked her, “Do you mind if I kiss you, Gemma?”

“You don’t want to kiss me tonight,” she said, pushing away from him and rushing to the door.

Instead of following her, he called out, “You haven’t done anything that a little mouthwash won’t cure. Go rinse out your mouth and come back down here and kiss me.”

Expecting to hear a door slam in the distance, he was quite surprised when she walked up behind him with her tight fists balled at her sides. “That is not what I meant!”

“Then what did you mean?”

“I’ve been drinking all day.”


“So I know you don’t like women who drink.”

“Did I say that?” He was so relieved to know her mouth hadn’t been on that bastard Scott McDowell’s cock he almost jumped up and tried for another kiss. He wouldn’t have asked for permission a second time around.

Before he made his next move, the newlyweds strolled out on the deck all freshly fucked and looking rather happy. Gemma was right. He could’ve been part of that.

They exchanged a knowing glance and apparently, given her vocal expression, she misinterpreted his look. “I knew this was a waste of time!”

“Was it something we said?” Zak asked.

“I’ll go talk to her.”

“Drina, let me,” Hales said, pursuing Gemma without so much as a slowed gait or a miss in his stride.

Seconds later, he caught her going upstairs. “If you take one more step, I swear I’ll bend you over my knee and spank the hell out of you. The days of throwing temper tantrums in a drunken stupor are over for you, Miss Baldini.”

She stilled. “And do you think you’re the first man who’s ever said that to me?”

“Probably not.” He grabbed her and pulled her against him. “But I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be the last.”

Chapter Fourteen

Ten Months Later

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” Coco cocked her head to the side and studied the various pieces of furniture. “They expect you to use this stuff?”

“We have used this stuff!” Drina said, grabbing her by the hand and leading her through the fourteen-hundred-square-foot space.

“And you enjoy playing down here?” Brianna wasn’t impressed either but Drina didn’t care. She’d never been happier.