She then went at Dallas’s cock like she couldn’t wait to have him grinding against the back of her throat, splashing his cum against her tonsils, and spilling his seed inside her mouth. Dallas’s stance changed. He thrust between her lips like he was fucking her pussy instead of her mouth.

Ten or twelve thrusts later, he hollered out her name and threw his hips front to back. Drina used a squatted position and held onto his thigh with one hand while tucking the other under his balls. In a matter of a second or two, Dallas’s eyes flew open and his body shivered. “God yeah! Um, fuck!”

He shook his hips and drove his cock down her throat, holding her face to his groin as he shuddered and laughed, his short and broken breaths evidence of the pleasure he’d found in one hot-as-hell suck. “You are somethin’ else.” He pulled her to her feet and dragged his thumb across her bottom lip before he kissed her. When their lips parted, he looked at Zak and said, “You still gonna watch?”

“That’s the plan.”

“You were asked,” Dallas said, pushing her back against the mattress and assaulting her breasts with a hungry mouth.

Zak wasn’t sure what he’d expected exactly. They’d fucked her together earlier in the evening and the sex had been phenomenal. It hadn’t bothered him to share her with Dallas, but now as he observed his brother topping the woman he loved and thrusting inside her like a renegade without a cause, he recognized a slight problem.

She was giving Dallas her complete and undivided attention. Her eyes were on him as he long-fucked her with agonizingly deep thrusts.

“Fuck her from behind,” Zak said, halfway expecting Dallas to tell him to go to hell.

Instead, he smirked, pulled out, and they spooned like familiar lovers before he threw his leg over hers and entered her pussy from behind.

Zak stared at the point of penetration, finding it sexy as hell to have a front row seat to an incredibly erotic show. The hazy look of lust marked its place in her eyes and she mouthed to him, “I love you. I love you.”

At the same time, she placed her right hand on Dallas’s hip, pushing against him as she seemingly encouraged him to screw her faster and deeper. And in a matter of minutes, her lips were slightly parted, her eyes were heavy, and her body went into multiple tremors.

“More, harder, faster.” Her mouth fell open and her eyes closed. “Right there. Ah God! Yes! There. Stroke it hard. Hmm. Yes!”

Dallas cupped her breast and tweaked her nipple. And when he couldn’t quite reach the sweet spot she clearly wanted him to stroke, he flipped her to the bed facedown and grabbed hold of her hips. Driving inside her pussy then, he fucked her like a lust-powered machine, matching each one of her yelps with cries of his own.

By the time they finished, Zak was horny as hell, but he made an oath to wait. An oath he knew he’d eventually break.

Chapter Twelve

“Well if you don’t look like something the cat drug in,” Gemma said, stirring her coffee with a spoon when Drina entered the house the next day.

“Did you just get up?”

“Yes,” Gemma replied, holding her head. “I didn’t go to bed until four.”

“Why so late?” Drina held up her hand. “I don’t think I want to know.”

“He’s a sweet guy, Drina.”

“Hales seems sweet. I don’t know him that well.”

“He didn’t lay a hand on me,” Gemma said, holding up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

“You were never a scout and that’s not so hard for me to believe.” Drina hopped on the breakfast bar and studied her sister. It was heartbreaking to see her drinking so much. She was starting to look older than her age and she was ill and bitter often. Life hadn’t been necessarily kind to anyone with the last name Baldini but then again, things could’ve been worse. She knew for a fact Trixie, their second cousin, had had her share of heartaches. Sure, everything had worked out well for her in the end, but for a while, one of the men that she loved was in prison and married to a complete lunatic.

“So how was your night?”

Drina felt as if her entire persona gave away the details of her incredible evening. “Pretty awesome.”

Gemma pointed at her neck. “I see he collared you.”

Drina’s nipples hardened just at the thought. She wondered now if that was part of the appeal in the collar. “Do Doms collar their subs because they know they’ll be reminded of them often when someone asks about the collar?”

“Hell if I know,” Gemma said, tilting her head at her neck. “That’s a training collar. Isn’t it?”

“How’d you know?”

She shrugged. “Training collars are typically more expensive. The collars of consideration aren’t always that fancy. Plus, he has an infinity sign there in the middle. To me that says he’s pretty committed to you. Must be nice.”