“What are you talking about?” Zak stood. “I’m committed to Drina.”

“Why don’t you just admit it? You can’t stand the thought of your brothers doing something you haven’t tried. That’s what this is all about. Well you better stop and ask yourself this—how will you feel when you’re sitting in the background watching as Hales fucks her from the front and Dallas takes her from the back? Hmm? Are you going to feel the love then, Zak?”

“Coco, enough!” Brandon was enraged and it was obvious.

“You’d better get your sub under control,” Zak said, pointing at his brother and grabbing his keys off the table before marching to the door.

“Says the man who collared his woman and has no idea where she is now,” Dante said, taking a bite of pizza.

“Shut the fuck up,” Hales said, following Zak outside.

They both came to an abrupt stop as soon as they saw the black SUV rolling up the driveway.

“Great,” Zak muttered.

“Who is it?” Hales asked, stretching his neck as if that would help him see beyond the tinted windows.

“Kane Cartwell.” Zak opened up the screen door and, over his shoulder, he hollered, “Kurt, Brandon, get out here! We’ve got company.”

Chapter Eight

Thanks to the ongoing Alberto Baldini drama, Kane and Peyton Cartwell were well recognized as soon as they left the vehicle. Greetings and handshakes were exchanged between men and Peyton grabbed a few hugs from those she knew. Then, Brandon and Zak invited them inside.

“Did you stop by the house?” Coco asked.

“No one was there,” Kane replied. “Figured we could catch you over here.”

“Is something wrong?” Brandon asked.

The silence was deafening. Peyton elbowed Kane and he cleared his throat and said, “Not at all. I’m uh—well, damn it, Coco, I’m just worried about you girls.”

“Worried about us how?” Coco asked, inching closer to Brandon and crossing her arms.

Zak hung back and observed the unfolding scene. Something was wrong. Cartwell hadn’t driven over from Fletcher simply because he was “worried” about the girls. Besides, Coco and her sisters were grown women. With the exception of Nory—who lived with the Cartwells—they were all in their twenties and seemingly self-sufficient.

Zak retrieved his cell phone and quickly typed out a message for Hales and hit send. Dallas seldom carried his cell so there was no point in trying to reach him and he didn’t want to alarm Drina. The message was cut and dry—Go find Dallas and don’t either of you let Drina out of your sight. Cartwell wouldn’t be here unless there was trouble.

Hales tugged his phone from his pocket, glanced at the message, nodded at Zak across the room, and left without a word. Brandon and Zak swapped glances. Zak said, “Cut to the chase, Cartwell. Why are you here?”

“You just won’t quit!” Coco shook her head and her finger before she turned to Kurt. “One of you do something with your brother. He is impossible.” She glared at Zak. “Not to mention rude.” She shook her head a few times and finally added, “You know what, let’s go to my place. We’ll have more privacy over there.”

About that time, Peyton jabbed Kane with her elbow again. This time there was some power behind the punch. “Tell them.”

“Tell them what?” Zak asked.

“Damn it, Peyton, I told you I’d handle this.”

“And I told you it wouldn’t be safe to play it this way. I love these girls.” She looked at Coco with adoration in her eyes. “It’s not fair to keep them in the dark. Besides they’re old enough to know—”

“Nory has been kidnapped,” Kane said, interrupting Peyton.

“What?” Coco screeched. “When? Where?”

Kurt, Liam, and Brandon went to her at once. She fought to break free of their embraces as tears shot down her cheeks. Zak felt as guilty as a pimp in a confessional booth. He and Coco rarely argued. He loved her like a sister and yet they’d spent the day bickering over foolishness right before she received heartbreaking news about her baby sister.

“Coco, I’m so sorry,” Zak said, wondering how he would break the news to Drina.

“Don’t just stand there!” she screamed. “Go get Drina!”