She plucked a blade of grass from the ground and studied it. “Because it’s always greener, huh?”

“It’s hotter,” he said, shooting her a wink. “Is it greener, well, that I can’t tell you for certain because I’ve never been involved in an ongoing committed relationship with a woman and my brothers.”

“But we haven’t spent a lot of time alone together so how will we know if it’s right for us?”

He gave her a very pointed look and in that moment she didn’t need to discuss anything else. She just knew. She could practically see her future unfolding from that point on.

“You and Zak were joined at the hip from the moment you set eyes on one another.” He swallowed and his Adam’s apple twitched. “When I first saw you at that cookout several years ago, I spent half my nights lying in bed at night thinking about the beautiful woman who could ruin my life as a bachelor. So trust me, Drina. I don’t have any doubts on my end.”

She felt vindicated in some way because it had always bothered her that they would bump into one another, nod or speak, then go their own separate ways without a formal introduction. Oh sure, in a couple of drunken stupors, they’d danced, but they’d always parted ways. Numbers were never exchanged. “So you were interested in me?”

“Damn straight.” He fell back and rolled to his side. Draping his arm over the curve of her waist, he added, “I’m all in if you’re open to this, Drina. Hell, if I’d known you were the woman that Zak had flipped over, it would’ve driven me nuts until I at least had a chance to tell you how I feel.”

“And how do you feel?”

“Like I missed too many opportunities and in doing so, almost let you get away. Thank God my brother had the good sense to catch you.”

“And share me?”

“Yeah,” he whispered, his lips meeting hers for a long and meaningful kiss. “That, too.”

She stared into the dark eyes of another Blazier brother, detecting his sincerity and his willingness to see where their attraction might lead them. As if her future unfolded right then and there, she saw another extension of herself, another possibility at a long and lasting love in a future that kept looking brighter all the time.

* * * *

Coco was livid and at the moment, Zak wasn’t sure what had angered her the most. After another bite of pizza, he took a swig of his beer and said, “All right, Miss Sassy Pants, let’s you and I step outside and have a talk.”

“If you have something to say to her, you can say it right here,” Brandon said.

Kurt and Liam shrugged and didn’t budge. Apparently they were standing with Brandon.

“Oh for crying out loud!” Zak slammed his fist against the table. “Are the three of you really that worried that you might miss an important moment in Coco’s life?” He threw his arms behind his head and clasped his hands at his neck. “All right. Fine. Let’s get this out in the open.”

“Says the man who kept Drina under lock and key for fear his brothers would make a move on his woman?” Dante reached into the flat box for another slice of pizza.

“I know, right?” Hales threw his leg over the bench and left the table.

“Honey, you might as well get it off your chest,” Liam said, motioning for Coco. “Come over here and tell Zak what’s bothering you.”

“She isn’t like me,” Coco blurted out. “Zak, she was lovesick. She wasn’t jaded. What she feels for you is real and here you are playing games with her. It’s not right.”

“I’m not playing games with her,” Zak said pointedly. “And if you believe that, we’re through here.”

“Wait a minute, did I miss something?” Hales asked.

Coco’s gaze worked between Zak and Hales. “The two of you look alike, but you’re different. I know both of you as well as anyone. I don’t see my sister falli

ng in love with you, Hales. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not offended,” Hales said. “Besides, who said anything about love?”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Coco said, leaving Liam and collecting the dirty dishes on the table.

Liam shrugged and said, “I told you she wouldn’t go for it.”

“And I told you it’s none of her business.” Zak blew out a hard breath. “I didn’t dabble in your relationships. Stay the hell out of mine.”

Coco rinsed off the plates. Once she put them in the dishwasher, she slammed the front of the appliance and returned to the table. “Let’s cut to the chase here. You don’t care if Drina is willing or ready to accept two more men in her bed because nothing ventured, nothing gained. You haven’t fucked her yet so what do you care if she gets hurt? You can walk away.”